Unit 4: Political Geo Review
Wallerstein’s World Systems Theory Core Semi-Periphery Periphery Brandt Line
Government Power Organized Political Impact on Landscape Territoriality Landlocked states Forward Capital Government Power Organized Unitary, Confederate, Federal Political Impact on Landscape
State Shapes
Boundaries Physical / Natural Boundaries Cultural Boundaries Geometric Boundaries Consequent Boundaries Religious Boundaries Language Boundaries Subsequent Boundaries Antecedent Boundaries Superimposed Boundaries
Boundary delimitation – Boundary demarcation – Boundary definition – determining the boundary by a treaty-like agreement through actual points, latitude/longitude, or landscape Boundary delimitation – the boundary is drawn on the map Boundary demarcation – the boundary is established by steel posts, concrete pillars, fences, etc. to mark the boundary on the ground
Devolution Regional or Asymmetrical Federalism
Electoral Geography Reapportionment Gerrymander
Centripetal forces Raison d'être Nationalism Unifying institutions: schools, the armed forces and state churches. *Organization and administration of the government. Transportation and communication – strong core area A perceived threat to a group’s sense of identity. Core area from Jody Smother Marcello at NCGE – strong polarizing force (core area) in the US most of population live in central area around Chicago
Centrifugal forces Forces that disrupt internal order and further the destruction of a country. Ethnic conflicts; competing claims among ethnic groups. Religion Poorly run government and/or transportation systems. A dissident minority seeking autonomy Large population in frontier area Devolution: transfer of power from the state’s central government. to separate political subdivisions within its territory. Frontier – as opposed to core area
Forms of Government Monarchies: Constitutional Monarchy Traditional Monarchy Absolute Monarchy Republics: Democracy Restricted Democratic Practice Authoritarian Regime Totalitarian Regime Non-Sovereign: Protectorate Colonial Dependency Empire Source: Matthew White, 2003. http://users.erols.com/mwhite28/othergov.htm Adapted from FreedomHouse.org
African colonies
Geopolitics Ratzel – Organic State Haushofer – lebensraum Mackinder – Pivot Area & Heartland Theory Alfred T. Mahan – control sea lanes Spykman – Rimland Theory
Effect US equated the Heartland theory w/the USSR so adopted containment in reaction to the Domino Theory Creating alliances in the Rimland: North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) in West Asia Southeast Treaty Organization (SEATO) Eastern Europe became a shatterbelt or shatter zone during the Cold War –
International Organizations Supranational Org Political/Military Org Economic Org UNCLOS OPEC
Trading Blocs
What is Terrorism US: premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents UN: intention to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or non-combatants with the purpose of intimidating a population or compelling a government or an international organization to do or abstain from doing any act.
Number of Terrorism Incidents, 2000-2008
Types of Terrorism Domestic – acts against one’s own country (Oklahoma City) International – acts that transcend national boundaries (9/11) Subnational – acts committed by nongovernmental groups (Chechnya) State – acts committed by agents of the government (Syria)
The 8 Stages of Genocide Understanding the genocidal process is one of the most important steps in preventing future genocides. Classification Symbolization Dehumanization Organization Polarization Preparation Extermination Denial 21