MAP PROJECTIONS but before let’s review some basic concepts….
Types of Maps General Purpose Topographic Thematic/Choropleth Dot Graduated Circle Isometric/Isolines Isopleth Mental Maps
Scale Small-scale map 1:250, 000 shows less detail of a large area! Large-scale map 1:50,000 shows more detail of a small area!
Latitude and Longitude
MAP PROJECTIONS What is a Map Projection? Properties of Map Projections Types of Map Projections
What is a Map Projection? THE ONLY TRUE REPRESENTATION OF EARTH, FREE OF DISTORTION IS A GLOBE. MAPS ARE FLAT PROCESS BY WHICH GEOGRAPHIC LOCATIONS (LAT & LONG) ARE TRANSFORMED FROM A 3 - DIMENSIONAL SPHERE TO A 2 - DIMENSIONAL FLAT MAP IS CALLED A PROJECTION Thank you Introduce self Intro ESRI Canada - Subsidiary of ESRI International ESRI is a software company specializing in Geographic Information System software In addition to duties as ESRI’s Schools and Libraries program manager, I am also a part time instructor at Sir Sandford Fleming college in Lindsay, Ontario where I teach computer programming I was pleased to be invited to give this address to you today, and I do so as much a fellow educator as a facilitator of technology in the school system. I’m thrilled to see the level of enthusiasm for introducing technology into all levels of education that today's session demonstrates
Distortions SHAPE AREA DISTANCE DIRECTION EVERY MAP PROJECTION DISTORTS AT LEAST THREE, AND SOMETIMES ALL FOUR, OF THE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES: SHAPE AREA DISTANCE DIRECTION Thank you Introduce self Intro ESRI Canada - Subsidiary of ESRI International ESRI is a software company specializing in Geographic Information System software In addition to duties as ESRI’s Schools and Libraries program manager, I am also a part time instructor at Sir Sandford Fleming college in Lindsay, Ontario where I teach computer programming I was pleased to be invited to give this address to you today, and I do so as much a fellow educator as a facilitator of technology in the school system. I’m thrilled to see the level of enthusiasm for introducing technology into all levels of education that today's session demonstrates
Properties of Projections The Cartographer decides on which projection to use depending on which properties of the earth are to be kept in the flat map. The following slides will give you a more detailed idea of these properties which will help you select the best map for your particular purpose. Thank you Introduce self Intro ESRI Canada - Subsidiary of ESRI International ESRI is a software company specializing in Geographic Information System software In addition to duties as ESRI’s Schools and Libraries program manager, I am also a part time instructor at Sir Sandford Fleming college in Lindsay, Ontario where I teach computer programming I was pleased to be invited to give this address to you today, and I do so as much a fellow educator as a facilitator of technology in the school system. I’m thrilled to see the level of enthusiasm for introducing technology into all levels of education that today's session demonstrates
Properties of Map Projections CONFORMAL: A CONFORMAL PROJECTION MAINTAINS SHAPE IN SMALL LOCALIZED AREAS EQUAL AREA: THESE PROJECTIONS SHOW THE AREAS OF ALL REGIONS ON THE MAP IN THE SAME PROPORTION TO THEIR TRUE AREAS ON THE GLOBE. EQUIDISTANT: NO MAP CAN SHOW DISTANT CORRECTLY BETWEEN ALL POINTS ON A MAP, BUT ONLY FROM ONE, OR AT MOST TWO, POINTS TO ANY OTHER POINT. THIS PROJECTION MAINTAINS DISTANCE. AZIMUTHAL: THIS PROJECTION CORRECTLY SHOWS DIRECTIONS (AZIMUTHS) FROM A SINGLE POINT TO ALL OTHER POINTS ON A MAP. Thank you Introduce self Intro ESRI Canada - Subsidiary of ESRI International ESRI is a software company specializing in Geographic Information System software In addition to duties as ESRI’s Schools and Libraries program manager, I am also a part time instructor at Sir Sandford Fleming college in Lindsay, Ontario where I teach computer programming I was pleased to be invited to give this address to you today, and I do so as much a fellow educator as a facilitator of technology in the school system. I’m thrilled to see the level of enthusiasm for introducing technology into all levels of education that today's session demonstrates
Types of Map Projections Map projections are related to either a cylinder, cone or plane. Imagine a transparent globe with a light in the middle. You can project the globe onto a flat sheet of paper just as a picture is projected on a screen. In this case, because the earth is round, the paper can be rolled into a cylinder, a cone, or a plane. The projection is made, and the paper is unrolled to reveal your map! Even where you place the light source to make the projection becomes an issue. Does the light source go in the middle of the globe (Gnomonic), touching the globe (Stereographic) or off the globe altogether (Orthographic)? So, we have three basic types of map projections: 1. Cylindrical 2. Conical 3. Planar Thank you Introduce self Intro ESRI Canada - Subsidiary of ESRI International ESRI is a software company specializing in Geographic Information System software In addition to duties as ESRI’s Schools and Libraries program manager, I am also a part time instructor at Sir Sandford Fleming college in Lindsay, Ontario where I teach computer programming I was pleased to be invited to give this address to you today, and I do so as much a fellow educator as a facilitator of technology in the school system. I’m thrilled to see the level of enthusiasm for introducing technology into all levels of education that today's session demonstrates
Cylindrical Projections Thank you Introduce self Intro ESRI Canada - Subsidiary of ESRI International ESRI is a software company specializing in Geographic Information System software In addition to duties as ESRI’s Schools and Libraries program manager, I am also a part time instructor at Sir Sandford Fleming college in Lindsay, Ontario where I teach computer programming I was pleased to be invited to give this address to you today, and I do so as much a fellow educator as a facilitator of technology in the school system. I’m thrilled to see the level of enthusiasm for introducing technology into all levels of education that today's session demonstrates
Cylindrical Projections-The Map Thank you Introduce self Intro ESRI Canada - Subsidiary of ESRI International ESRI is a software company specializing in Geographic Information System software In addition to duties as ESRI’s Schools and Libraries program manager, I am also a part time instructor at Sir Sandford Fleming college in Lindsay, Ontario where I teach computer programming I was pleased to be invited to give this address to you today, and I do so as much a fellow educator as a facilitator of technology in the school system. I’m thrilled to see the level of enthusiasm for introducing technology into all levels of education that today's session demonstrates
Cylindrical Projections-The Map Thank you Introduce self Intro ESRI Canada - Subsidiary of ESRI International ESRI is a software company specializing in Geographic Information System software In addition to duties as ESRI’s Schools and Libraries program manager, I am also a part time instructor at Sir Sandford Fleming college in Lindsay, Ontario where I teach computer programming I was pleased to be invited to give this address to you today, and I do so as much a fellow educator as a facilitator of technology in the school system. I’m thrilled to see the level of enthusiasm for introducing technology into all levels of education that today's session demonstrates
Cylindrical Projections-The Map Thank you Introduce self Intro ESRI Canada - Subsidiary of ESRI International ESRI is a software company specializing in Geographic Information System software In addition to duties as ESRI’s Schools and Libraries program manager, I am also a part time instructor at Sir Sandford Fleming college in Lindsay, Ontario where I teach computer programming I was pleased to be invited to give this address to you today, and I do so as much a fellow educator as a facilitator of technology in the school system. I’m thrilled to see the level of enthusiasm for introducing technology into all levels of education that today's session demonstrates
Conical Projections Thank you Introduce self Intro ESRI Canada - Subsidiary of ESRI International ESRI is a software company specializing in Geographic Information System software In addition to duties as ESRI’s Schools and Libraries program manager, I am also a part time instructor at Sir Sandford Fleming college in Lindsay, Ontario where I teach computer programming I was pleased to be invited to give this address to you today, and I do so as much a fellow educator as a facilitator of technology in the school system. I’m thrilled to see the level of enthusiasm for introducing technology into all levels of education that today's session demonstrates
Conical Projections – The Map Notice: this projection preserves the shape or conformal property Thank you Introduce self Intro ESRI Canada - Subsidiary of ESRI International ESRI is a software company specializing in Geographic Information System software In addition to duties as ESRI’s Schools and Libraries program manager, I am also a part time instructor at Sir Sandford Fleming college in Lindsay, Ontario where I teach computer programming I was pleased to be invited to give this address to you today, and I do so as much a fellow educator as a facilitator of technology in the school system. I’m thrilled to see the level of enthusiasm for introducing technology into all levels of education that today's session demonstrates
Conical Projections – The Map Notice: this projection preserves the distance property Thank you Introduce self Intro ESRI Canada - Subsidiary of ESRI International ESRI is a software company specializing in Geographic Information System software In addition to duties as ESRI’s Schools and Libraries program manager, I am also a part time instructor at Sir Sandford Fleming college in Lindsay, Ontario where I teach computer programming I was pleased to be invited to give this address to you today, and I do so as much a fellow educator as a facilitator of technology in the school system. I’m thrilled to see the level of enthusiasm for introducing technology into all levels of education that today's session demonstrates
Azimuthal Projections Thank you Introduce self Intro ESRI Canada - Subsidiary of ESRI International ESRI is a software company specializing in Geographic Information System software In addition to duties as ESRI’s Schools and Libraries program manager, I am also a part time instructor at Sir Sandford Fleming college in Lindsay, Ontario where I teach computer programming I was pleased to be invited to give this address to you today, and I do so as much a fellow educator as a facilitator of technology in the school system. I’m thrilled to see the level of enthusiasm for introducing technology into all levels of education that today's session demonstrates
Azimuthal Projections – The Map Thank you Introduce self Intro ESRI Canada - Subsidiary of ESRI International ESRI is a software company specializing in Geographic Information System software In addition to duties as ESRI’s Schools and Libraries program manager, I am also a part time instructor at Sir Sandford Fleming college in Lindsay, Ontario where I teach computer programming I was pleased to be invited to give this address to you today, and I do so as much a fellow educator as a facilitator of technology in the school system. I’m thrilled to see the level of enthusiasm for introducing technology into all levels of education that today's session demonstrates
Azimuthal Projections – The Map Thank you Introduce self Intro ESRI Canada - Subsidiary of ESRI International ESRI is a software company specializing in Geographic Information System software In addition to duties as ESRI’s Schools and Libraries program manager, I am also a part time instructor at Sir Sandford Fleming college in Lindsay, Ontario where I teach computer programming I was pleased to be invited to give this address to you today, and I do so as much a fellow educator as a facilitator of technology in the school system. I’m thrilled to see the level of enthusiasm for introducing technology into all levels of education that today's session demonstrates
Azimuthal Projections – The Map Thank you Introduce self Intro ESRI Canada - Subsidiary of ESRI International ESRI is a software company specializing in Geographic Information System software In addition to duties as ESRI’s Schools and Libraries program manager, I am also a part time instructor at Sir Sandford Fleming college in Lindsay, Ontario where I teach computer programming I was pleased to be invited to give this address to you today, and I do so as much a fellow educator as a facilitator of technology in the school system. I’m thrilled to see the level of enthusiasm for introducing technology into all levels of education that today's session demonstrates
Summary A Cartographer decides which map projection to use for his/her purposes. You chose your projection based on the properties you want to preserve: equidistant – distance preserved conformal – shape preserved equal area – area preserved azimuthal – directions are preserved Thank you Introduce self Intro ESRI Canada - Subsidiary of ESRI International ESRI is a software company specializing in Geographic Information System software In addition to duties as ESRI’s Schools and Libraries program manager, I am also a part time instructor at Sir Sandford Fleming college in Lindsay, Ontario where I teach computer programming I was pleased to be invited to give this address to you today, and I do so as much a fellow educator as a facilitator of technology in the school system. I’m thrilled to see the level of enthusiasm for introducing technology into all levels of education that today's session demonstrates
Summary You then decide on which type of projection you want. This depends on which area of the earth you want to display and how you want to display it: Cylindrical – eg. Mercator Conical – eg. Lambert Planar – eg. Azimuthal Each type of projection is associated with many different projections that preserve different properties. They each get their own name. For example, there is a Lambert Conformal Conic AND a Lambert Equidistant Conic Thank you Introduce self Intro ESRI Canada - Subsidiary of ESRI International ESRI is a software company specializing in Geographic Information System software In addition to duties as ESRI’s Schools and Libraries program manager, I am also a part time instructor at Sir Sandford Fleming college in Lindsay, Ontario where I teach computer programming I was pleased to be invited to give this address to you today, and I do so as much a fellow educator as a facilitator of technology in the school system. I’m thrilled to see the level of enthusiasm for introducing technology into all levels of education that today's session demonstrates
References Most of the diagrams in this presentation were borrowed from the following website. Dana, Peter H., “Map Projection Overview”, University of Colorado Boulder. (October, 2000): Online. Internet. Available at Thank you Introduce self Intro ESRI Canada - Subsidiary of ESRI International ESRI is a software company specializing in Geographic Information System software In addition to duties as ESRI’s Schools and Libraries program manager, I am also a part time instructor at Sir Sandford Fleming college in Lindsay, Ontario where I teach computer programming I was pleased to be invited to give this address to you today, and I do so as much a fellow educator as a facilitator of technology in the school system. I’m thrilled to see the level of enthusiasm for introducing technology into all levels of education that today's session demonstrates
The End!