Chapter 22 Germany Unites
Where are the Germans? City-states (also known as the Confederation of the Rhine): Austria Prussia And many others Who was ruling these city-states at this time?
German Nationalism You speak German, I speak German, let’s be friends!
Germany #1 Lots of Iron and Coal! Rapidly growing population Founded manufacturing companies and building railroads *Zollverein: United by economics How is this different from other nations?
Otto Von Bismarck Foreign Policies: Keep France weak Create strong ties with Austria and Russia Do NOT compete with the British Navy Domestic Policies: Loyalty to the state
Ultimate goal of Bismarck Unite Germany under Prussian rule In his famous “blood and iron” speech, he speaks of conquering other nations and RealPolitik
Realpolitik Power over principle Policies that addressed the needs of the people Do whatever it takes to solve the problem Who does this remind you of?
Two enemies Catholic Church Their loyalty is to the Pope instead of the German state Pass laws that increase the state’s power over the church’s actions Kulturkampf (laws to ensure Catholics put loyalty to the state above allegiance to the Church)
Enemy #2 Socialists Bismarck worried that Socialist would start a revolution among the German workers No Propaganda allowed! (Shut down newspapers, banned meetings)
“Please still like me” Bismarck creates Social Welfare Programs Public Transportation Public Schools Electricity Old Age Insurance
Do these policies stop the enemy? The Social Democratic Party??
Wars Austro-Prussian War: Established Prussia as dominant German state Franco-Prussian War: United Northern and Southern Germany
Reich – German word meaning empire or nation First Reich: The Holy Roman Empire Second Reich: German Empire Why do leaders in many German states urge William I of Prussia to take the title Kaiser?
Lorraine and Alsace These two places are between France and Germany and both countries claim them.
Bismarck wrote a constitution and set up a two-house legislature. Bundesrat had veto power over the Reichstag Real power remained with the emperor and chancellor.