Every Good Thing Philemon 4-7 p. 1106
Shaped by Prayer Prayer changes us ... Draws us into God. Philemon: a church leader in Colossae. Paul’s prayer – a depth and richness to unpack. Every good thing we have in Christ Love & Faith
1. Every Good Thing Prayer: “deepen understanding of every good thing” Paul’s whole life is consumed by his devotion to Christ There is a deep inner joy and peace His passion is more than duty We can sense Paul’s joy ... We see it is very good. We want it too.
1. Every Good Thing . . . What are these good things? Too many to list Zoom in on two: We call the Lord of the Universe “Daddy” We realize the Lord of the Universe is our Servant.
1. Every Good Thing . . . GOD OUR “DADDY” Jesus (Matt 6:9), pray “Our Father ...” Life itself belongs to God. He is creator and sustainer of all things (Acts 17:28) We get to call him “Daddy” [Abba] (Rom 8:15) Jean Danielou: “Prayer, not of a creature, but a child of God” God has come to make his “dwelling” with us (Jn 14:23)
1. Every Good Thing . . . GOD OUR SERVANT Jesus (Mk 10:45) came not to be served, but to serve A ridiculous idea (Acts 17:24-25) Thomas a’ Kempis “you yourself stoop to serve man”.
2. Love and Faith Paul’s thanksgiving (v 5) Lit: “... because I hear of your love and the faith that you have toward the Lord Jesus and for all the saints” (ESV) Greek noun for faith and faithfulness is the same Philemon’s faithfulness “refreshed” the Lord’s people (v 7) A good guy living faithfully with many roles. How does he do it?
2. Love and Faith What does it take to build a prayer life? We all get excited about the vision of prayer in Paul, etc. It is not easy to experience and maintain. We must rightly understand what prayer is: Example: a visit to aquatic centers on along journey. Feel completely invigorated. Sometimes prayer is like that. Example: starting to bike after a holiday break Prayer can take work, perseverance and practice.
2. Love and Faith Jean Danielou – Three regions to pass through: Distractions Our good and bad feelings – difficult to pass through The depths, where the Trinity dwells. “Prayer cannot be achieved impromptu; regular practice is necessary”
2. Love and Faith Prayer Call it a spiritual discipline; Also a privilege and blessing Confusing, but it is both: A source of renewal & A discipline to be practiced. Direct connection between faithfulness and richness of being in Christ. (Phm 6)
Living it . . . How do we “practice” prayer? Use the prayers of Paul Pray the Lord’s prayer daily (not just the words) Right view of prayer – it can be hard work. Need the help of the Spirit (Rom 8:26-27) Series starts next week - “Daily life in the Spirit”