Dennis 2017 Annual Meeting.


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Presentation transcript:

Dennis 2017 Annual Meeting

2017 Annual Meeting Starting NOW! Dennis

Annual Meeting Agenda 1. Opening Prayer 6. 2017 Budget 2. 2016 Minutes a. Vote to approve 3. Pastor Roger & Staff 4. Elder’s Summaries 5. Elder Election – 1 6. 2017 Budget a. Review b. Vote to adopt 7. Motion to Adjourn 8. Closing Prayer Dennis pray and call the meeting to order. Read the agenda.

Annual Meeting LRC Staff Comments (ROGER) Staff will come up and hit the highlights. Shawn Dugan, Kathy Sutherland, Beth Currie, Ethan Keller, Roger Eng

Capital Campaign 2017 The campaign is a ministry based on four principles: Clear and Compelling Vision 2. Organized Prayer 3. Early Invitation to Advance Givers 4. Wide Participation in the Church Body a. Three-Year Pledges b. Special Event – November 2017 c. Systematic and Ongoing Follow-up d. Shaping the Project

Annual Meeting Elder Report Elder Board Glenn Youngblood David Silverthorn Rich McKusick Jeff Merboth Grant Miller Dennis Paulson (Chairman) Dennis intro the elders and thank them for a year of service. Comment from your report if you want.

Annual Meeting Elder Nomination Elder Nomination – (Three-Year Term) Tim Fisk Cheryl Nominating Committee Report Ballots Vote Tellers (pick two before meeting)

2016 Giving Report Living Rock Church 2016 Giving: - General Fund Budget - $ 373,772.00 General Fund Giving - $ 392,013.60 Benevolence Fund - $ 3,413.56 Great Commission Fund - $ 25,372.47 Other Missions/Specials - $ 3,897.52 TOTAL 2016 GIVING - $ 411,389.90 General Fund Budget 2017 - $ 388, 874.00 RICH NOTE: Other Missions/Specials: $ 3,897.52 (this is CAMA, Operation Christmas Child, Coffee income, misc. GCF – about 12k from the congregation and 13k inside the budget. Raised to 6% in 2017.

RICH Summary: More staff: Ethan and David. Less Health Insurance Costs. More giving to Missions. Some increases in ministry budgets. Everything else steady. Dennis – Vote on the budget.

Our Mission: Love, Learn, Grow, Give And this is my prayer, that your love may abound more and more (LOVE) in knowledge and depth of insight 10so that you may be able to discern what is best (LEARN), and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, (GROW) 11filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ (GIVE) – to the glory and praise of God. – Phil. 1:9-11 (ROGER)

Annual Meeting 2015 General Fund Report THANK YOU Annual Meeting 2015 General Fund Report BETH, UPDATE SLIDES and Add two PHOTOS Slides 3-7 RPE Thanks to all the people behind the scenes!