Dr. Akshay Surana ACPM Medical college, Dhule Helicobacter Pylori Associated Gastritis in Northern Maharashtra, India: A Histopathological Study of Gastric Mucosal Biopsies. Dr. Akshay Surana ACPM Medical college, Dhule
Introduction Helicobacter Pylori – High incidence developing countries. Warren and Marshall (1983) Curved bacilli in acid peptic disease. H.Pylori classified as a carcinogen. Associated with MALTOMA and gastric adenocarcinoma .
Aim of study Observe the histological features of chronic gastritis due H.Pylori. Presence and absence of lymphoid aggregates with epithelial changes. To prevent morbidity and complications associated with this bacteraemia.
Material and Methods Study design: Prospective study(19mths). 310 cases in Department of Pathology, ACPM Medical College Dhule from June 2013 to Jan 2015.
Study Design INCLUSION CRITERIA: H/O Vague chest pain H/O Postprandial pain H/O Intermittent vomiting H/O Epigastric discomfort EXCLUSION CRITERIA: H/O NSAID intake H/O Chronic alcoholic H/O Chronic tobacco intake.
Videogastroscopy : Olympus GJ-140 gastroduodenoscope Biopsy site: antrum and posterior wall of the stomach. Formalin fixation 10% nbf. Paraffin embedding and 4 micron serial section. Haematoxylin& Eosin stain. Giemsa staining
Gastritis - age group 36.8% N=114
Histopathological Impression
HPE in H.Pylori gastritis
Loss of apical mucin, lymphoid aggregates . 1000X 100X Loss of apical mucin, lymphoid aggregates
H&E Giemsa
Eradication of bacteria can be achieved by triple therapy regime. Follow up to 6 months and patients symptoms got relieved within 2wks. H.Pylori is lowered or even absent and the shape of bacteria changed to round, coccoid or vibrio shape .
Prevalence- H.Pylori Gastritis Author Cases Prevalence Satoskar A et al , 1994 94 50.4 % Maitra TN et al , 1991 42 66.9 % Yakub MY et al , 2010 110 62.5 % Akanda MR et al , 2011 101 45.6 % Abu- Ahmed NM et al , 2011 48 67.0 % Dandin AS et al , 2012 60 48.0 % Present study , 2015 310 46.5 %
Discussion Prevalence of gastritis by H.Pylori in North Maharashtra similar in India and Bangladesh . HPE is gold standard. Helpful in diagnosis of degree of inflammation, metaplasia, Presence and absence of MALT lymphoma and other gastric cancers in high risk patients .
Conclusion H.Pylori gastritis is common. High prevalence of 46.5% H.Pylori associated gastritis was noted in our study. Early and definitive diagnosis is important. More studies required to evaluate H.Pylori role in other gastrointestinal disorders.
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