KEYNOTE: The Future of Computing – Visualizations, Customer Interactivity & Analytics with SAP HANA Dr. Bjarne Berg PricewaterhouseCoopers
This Presentation Comprises: Introduction The World is going Visual The Need for Speed – SAP HANA An Example – BW 7.5 on HANA and DesignStudio & Demo Picking the Right Visualization - Demo Conclusion
Introduction – Dr. Berg
The First InfoGraphics InfoGraphics are more than symbols which have been used for thousands of years In 1626 InfoGraphics started with the book “Rosa Ursina sive Sol” by Christoph Scheiner who tried to explain how the sun was placed vs. the earth. Idea: demonstrate complex ideas in a simple form In 1786, the book “Commercial and Political Atlas” by William Playfair introduced histograms, bar-charts, line graphs and more. In 1801 he also invented the world’s first pie-chart: In 1820 Carl Ritter started standardized frames, symbols, icons, legends, and scales, making maps using standardized InfoGraphics that could be reused on different maps
InfoGraphics – Saving Lives In 1857, Florence Nightingale saved lives with InfoGraphics She discovered that peacetime soldiers died at twice the rate of civilians, even as young men. Using rose InfoGraphics, she convinced queen Victoria to appoint a hospital commission that saved over 1,000 lives.
This Presentation Comprises: Introduction The World is going Visual The Need for Speed – SAP HANA An Example – BW 7.5 on HANA and DesignStudio & Demo Picking the Right Visualization - Demo Conclusion
Writing and numbers are un-natural! 1. Written language and numbers are abstractions, they are not the natural way for humans to communicate. 2. Imagery, proportions, relationships, color and size is the natural way to communicate: “a picture can tell a thousands words” 3. What has changed? As data and corporate operations has increased in complexity, scope, size and global system deployments, textual and pure numerical information is insufficient to communicate complex relationships and ideas. Now we have the speed of systems like HANA, and BI tools to generate complex graphs with new insights like never before
The World is going Visual – multi spatial data Using advanced visualizations we can track complex events and data as they change over time. Here we can see how radiation changed over time and at altitudes, from the Fukushima nuclear reactor May 2011 to Sept. 2012 Source: Antz Fukushima Radiation Data Visualization: Fukushima Radiation Data, May 2011- September 2012
The World is going Visual – Event types We can use event types, and linked events, to monitor how they change over time. As seen in this graph, events gets more complex as we move up (the lower levels are earlier data) Source: Worlds of Education Research and Design, Antz, Edword, 2012
The World is going Visual – Medicine Advanced visualization in medicine started in 1895 when Wilhelm Roentgen discovered X-rays. Computers got involved in 1972 with the CT-Scan invention by Godfrey Hounsfield While MRI was found in 1946, by Felix Bloch and Edward Purcell, it was not until 1977 that it was first used in medicine. Now medical visualizations are used everywhere! In this image of nerves around a brain tumor. The MRI mapping of nerve fibers helps brain surgeons preserve brain function. Source: San Diego Medical Research , 2016
The World is going Visual – Data Modeling Using data modeling, we can understand complex behaviors, trends and complete what-if analysis with visualizations In this image we see how people charge different car rental classes in the expense reporting system, and why there is only a 61% compliance with the expense policy In this image we see a model on how human embryos transforms into multi cell organisms and later a complete human Source: PwC Halo for Expenses, 2017 Source: Human Embryo Growth, Advanced Data Visualization Project, GSAPP , Columbia University
The World is going Visual – Large Datasets With the speed of SAP HANA and high resolution screens, we can see overview and detailed data at the same time. Source: Human Embryo Growth, Advanced Data Visualization Project, GSAPP , Columbia University In this image we see 93,891 species of life and we can zoom in to see details
This Presentation Comprises: Introduction The World is going Visual The Need for Speed – SAP HANA An Example – BW 7.5 on HANA and DesignStudio & Demo Picking the Right Visualization - Demo Conclusion
The Need for HANA – Hard drives are DEAD 1990 2017 Traditional magnetic hard drives has evolved the least in the last 27 years. While they can be 141 times faster than in 1990, they are still horrible slow compared with all other hardware components. In the near-future, hard drives will no longer be used for on-line user access, but may have a transitional role as backup devices. 0.05 MIPS/$ 832.31 MIPS/$ 16,646x CPU 0.02 MB/$ 223 MB/$ 11,150x Memory 216 2256 2240x Addressable Memory 100 Mbps 200 Gbps 2,000 x Network Speed Hard Drives 5 MBPS 705 MBPS 141x Source: 1990 numbers SAP AG, 2017 numbers, Dr. Berg
The World’s fastest SAP BW 7.5 Edition for HANA SAP HANA Technology is changing very fast and new systems can handle billions of rows and thousands of queries per hour Source: SAP SE, March 2017 and Dr. Berg
HANA Hardware Options
This Presentation Comprises: Introduction The World is going Visual The Need for Speed – SAP HANA An Example – BW 7.5 on HANA and DesignStudio & Demo Picking the Right Visualization - Demo Conclusion
Role in the Tax Function of the Future BW 7.5 Edition for HANA as a Tax Datahub Role in the Tax Function of the Future
A Real Project Example – Using BW 7.5 on HANA
BW 7.5 Edition for HANA as a Tax Datahub – Functionality Analytics Reports Easy to Use Automated warehousing of data for tax Legal entity mapping Tax Sensitization BPC & GL data Transaction Data Provision Data ETR Analysis Tax Risk Analysis Cash Tax Analysis Drill Down to Drivers and Components Ad Hoc Analysis Insights Consolidated Financials to GL to Transactions Drilldown Reconciliation Reports Data Load History Self Service Reporting Designed for the C Suite and Tax Professional Latest High Performance SAP Technology Extensive Drill Down Features Excel integration
Ad-Hoc User defined Reporting Ad-hoc Analysis Available in Design Studio on Composite Providers in HANA (through BW Queries) Ad-Hoc User defined Reporting
Adding Comments and Drill-down to details in Design Studio on BW 7 Adding Comments and Drill-down to details in Design Studio on BW 7.5 Edition for HANA Summary graphs of sub-totals Drill down to details for whole chart of accounts Users can add comments and observations
Using Maps in Design Studio on SAP BW 7.5 Edition for HANA Tax Risk profiles by Geography
Demo: SAP BW 7.5 on HANA with DesignStudio
This Presentation Comprises: Introduction The World is going Visual The Need for Speed – SAP HANA An Example – BW 7.5 on HANA and DesignStudio & Demo Picking the Right Visualization - Demo Conclusion
Picking the Right InfoGraphic There are many frameworks for picking the right visualization There are many research in the field of ‘Human Computer Interaction” (HCI), that can assist in picking the right type of visualization depending on the type of data, or information, presented. Source: Lengler, R. & Eppler, M. 2012
DEMO Source: Lengler, R. & Eppler, M. Towards a Periodic Table of Visualization Methods for Management. IASTED Proceedings of the Conference on Graphics and Visualization in Engineering .Institute of Corporate Communication; University of Lugano, Switzerland
Demo: The ‘Periodic Table’ for picking the Right InfoGraphic for your SAP Dashboards
This Presentation Comprises: Introduction The World is going Visual The Need for Speed – SAP HANA An Example – BW 7.5 on HANA and DesignStudio & Demo Picking the Right Visualization - Demo Conclusion
Reference to More Comprehensive Information: Introduction to SAP HANA – SAP Press, Bjarne Berg, Penny Silvia and Rob Frye. ISBN-978-1-4932-1408-2 Product Tutorials - SAP BusinessObjects Design Studio v1.6, by SAP SAP BW 7.5 Edition for HANA SP5 Product Availability Matrix
How to contact me: Dr. Bjarne Berg