a Role model By: Mashael Alsuwayih 201402506
Outline What does a role model mean? Who I choose and why? Conclusion The background The difficulties that he faced Conclusion
What does a role model mean? Is who influences you in a positive way Is who makes you optimistic Is who can go to him or her for advice Is who can change your opinion Some people have a role model in their life and they try to be like them, it could be parents, brother, friend or someone famous. Actually, it does not matter if he or she famous or not, is just someone you admire. A role model is difficult to define because it has different meaning from person to another. Frequently, the role model is someone who influences you in a positive way and makes you optimistic and you can go to him or her for advice when you have difficult situation and who can change your opinion if you were incorrect.
Who I choose and why? He inspire me He is a successful and creative He can do the impossible to make my family and me happy For me, my role model is that who inspire me and I looked to be like him is my father. I choose my father to be my role model. He is my father, my king, my teacher and my best friend. I believe that, I’m in this university because of my father. Actually, without him I could not to be in university, he always encourages me to be the best person, daughter and student and he can do the impossible to make my family and me happy. He always said to me “when you get a high mark it doesn’t worth without knowledge, knowledge is the important thing in our life”.
The Background.. Where he lived? Where he studied? The responsibility that he had My father is in the middle between his brothers and sisters. He lived in a big house with big family in Khobar. When he finished from high school he went to ITC. After he graduate and have a job and got married from his neighbor’s daughter. After that, my grandfather dead and my father take all the responsibilities, he took care of two families and it’s a very hard pressure to him.
The difficulties that he faced He did the impossible to work in Aramco Company. The difficulty of working in Aramco company that he faced in the past. My father is my role model because he faced many difficulties in the past to become, as he is now a successful and creative man in Aramco Company. In addition, my father faced many barriers in the past. First, after graduate he dreamed about Aramco Company and he did the impossible to work in this great company, as you know it’s not easy to be an employ in Aramco Company. Then, when he officially an employed in Aramco Company he was not aware of what’s expected of difficulties. For example, the company sent him to do projects in the desert sometimes for months and sometimes for years, and it was very hard to him to work in summer under the sun even in winter on cold nights. After that, because of his hard work and the strong patience he exceeded all that and finally he get advancement to work inside the company. I learned from my father how a person be patience in difficulties days. I believe that my father has a goof effect for the society. For example, when he start to work inside the company he didn’t like the system that he works on because it is not clear and doesn’t show the exactly average of petrol and gas, so he suggests to his team to develop it to a clearly and more helpful. Then, in 1994 they created a new Data Wall. From this point, I learned from my father that nothing is impossible.
Picture of the Data Wall
Examples for his successes ..
Conclusion Everyone has that person who can look up as a role model My father sets himself as a sample for us to follow My father faced many barriers in the past In conclusion, everyone has that person who can look up as a role model in his life and hope to be like him or her someday because we are admire of him or her. To me, there is none other than my father; I looked to him as a role model when I was young until now. My father sets himself as a sample for us to follow in our life to live better. He had given the family everything and tries to make us happy and convinced in our life. In the past, he faced many barriers the first one when his father dead, and the second one with his work, but in the end he got what he want after very long patience.
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