Prepared by Stephen M. Thebaut, Ph.D. University of Florida G&W, Chapter 2: Ambiguity in Stating Requirements Software Specification Lecture 7 Prepared by Stephen M. Thebaut, Ph.D. University of Florida
Software Specification: G&W Chapter 2 So what IS “ambiguity”? The quality or state of being “ambiguous…” Ambiguous: Doubtful or uncertain, especially from obscurity or indistinctness; Capable of being understood in two or more possible senses. Software Specification: G&W Chapter 2
Sources of Ambiguity Described by Gause & Weinberg Missing requirements, as in “creating a means for protecting a small group of human beings from the hostile elements of their environment” Properties of materials Structure Functions Physical environment Specific hostilities Social and cultural environment Software Specification: G&W Chapter 2
Sources of Ambiguity Described by Gause & Weinberg (cont’d) Ambiguous words Small Inexpensive Group Efficient User-friendly Reliable Introduced elements (unnoticed assumptions) Software Specification: G&W Chapter 2
Software Specification: G&W Chapter 2 Cost of Ambiguity What are the costs of ambiguity in requirements? Boehm’s study of relative costs to fix an error (which only considered completed projects) Other catastrophes: Ford Pinto Asbestos building materials USS Vincenes incident Software Specification: G&W Chapter 2
“Exploring” to Remove Ambiguity G&W’s picture of requirements A six-step model of exploration: Move in some direction. Look at what they find there. Record what they find. Software Specification: G&W Chapter 2
“Exploring” to Remove Ambiguity (cont’d) Analyze their findings in terms of where they want to be. Use their analysis and recordings of what they find to choose the next direction. Go back to step 1 and continue exploring. Software Specification: G&W Chapter 2
Is “Ambiguity” Really a 4-Letter Word? Gause & Weinberg seem to imply this is the case…at least in stating requirements. Is ambiguity ever desirable? Politics International affairs Commerce Personal relationships Software Specification: G&W Chapter 1
Prepared by Stephen M. Thebaut, Ph.D. University of Florida G&W, Chapter 2: Ambiguity in Stating Requirements Software Specification Lecture 7 Prepared by Stephen M. Thebaut, Ph.D. University of Florida