Heat Energy Transfers Three Ways
HEAT is ENERGY. It can transfer (move) and change.
Heat causes Temperature! Heat energy can make atoms move. HEAT
Heat causes Temperature! Heat energy can make atoms move. Heat energy is measured in units called Joules (J).
Heat causes Temperature! Heat energy can make atoms move. Heat energy is measured in units called Joules (J). The motion of molecules is known as temperature.
Heat causes Temperature! Heat energy can make atoms move. Heat energy is measured in units called Joules (J). The motion of molecules is known as temperature. Temperature is measured as: Celsius (oC) or Fahrenheit (oF) or Kelvin (K).
According to Pg. 13 of the ESRT, what temperature does water boil in oC?
MATERIALS CHANGE TEMPERATURE DIFFERENTLY This is specific heat. Temp. changes slowly (needs MORE heat) Which changes temperature SLOWER? Temp. changes quickly (needs LESS heat)
Why does the sand at the beach get hotter than the water on a summer day? (1) Sand is higher density (2) Sand is lighter in color (3) Sand has a low specific heat (4) Sand is solid, causing greater concentrations of energy.
What changes temperature faster, the pot or the water? 4.18 J/g.Co .45 J/g.Co BTW…why is the handle a different material? About ten times faster. THE POT
The metal pot transfers the heat quickly (it CONDUCTS). The plastic handle doesn’t transfer heat (it INSULATES).
1. Conduction – Energy transfer by the collision/vibration of molecules. Low Specific Heat = Conductor High Specific Heat = Insulator
A material is a good conductor of thermal energy if it has a 1) High Specific Heat 3) High temperatures 2) Low temperatures 4) Low Specific Heat
HEAT may be transferred two other ways…
2. Convection – energy transfer through density changes in a fluid. Cool makes fluid contract, become more dense, and sink Heat makes fluid expand, become less dense, and rise
2. Convection – energy transfer through density changes in a fluid.
2. Convection – energy transfer through density changes in a fluid.
3. Radiation - Energy transfer by waves
3. Radiation - Energy transfer by waves
Contact with moving atoms 2) 1) Density changes 3) Waves through space