Lecture 3 Communication Strategies continued….
Communication Strategies continued…. Today we will focus more on: Communication Strategies A good example is what I've prepared for today!
Objectives Yesterday, some of my audience (you!) were worried they didn't understand the subject and the writing activity So my objective for today, is to spend more time going over Communication Strategies Refer to Munter, p5: Examples of Objectives General: to help my audience understand the subject Actions: 1) write examples for the writing activity to make it clearer and upload this to the website before today's lesson 2) spend more time teaching Communication Strategies by preparing an additional lesson plan before today's lesson Communication: 1) as a result of the examples given, my audience will be able to complete the writing task 2) as a result of this extra lesson, my audience (students) will have a better understanding of the subject Question: How will I know if I've achieved my objectives?
Meeting Objectives General: I can't achieve my general objective without the other two being achieved… Action: I can check that I have prepared the work needed, in the timeframe specified (by the way, yes the teacher did her homework!) Communication: I will know if my objectives have been successful if: 1) you successfully complete the writing activity 2) you will tell me if you understand the lecture!
Meeting Objectives Remember: Problems can be solved….. with COMMUNICATION!! So let's turn those frowns upside down!!
Writing Exercise: What do you want from this module? Audience: Creator of Edulink Business Communication module (me!) Introduction: A couple of lines which state your progression in your University course and outline the arguments you are going to use in the rest of the document. Body of the document: 2 or 3 headings (titles for sections – you do not need to write the sections). These headings are stand alone sentences that in a nutshell summarize the message the section would discuss if written (see Munter’s book for more detail). They must summarize the content of the section that you might have written if you had the time. Remember the document should follow a logical structure so use headings that present parallel structures (headings that look alike in terms of writing) Closing: A couple of sentences that summarize the reasons for your suggestions in the body of the document, and how this would benefit you/the University/Edulink Size – 1 page, A4, handwritten. Time allowed – 20 minutes Think about using white space and indentation to make it pleasing to the eye and easy to read. The purpose of this exercise is to review what you are expecting from this module, making suggestions as to what would be useful to include in the module, and practice writing easy to skim documents. It can also serve as practice for your group papers / presentations
Macrowriting Activity Title: What do you want from this Business Communications module? Introduction: Example: I am a Business student in my second year at HAUT, and I am majoring in Human Resources. Here are my suggestions for what I would like to learn on this module. Body of document: (a couple of suggestions or requests) Example: I would like more speaking practice, some help with writing business letters, more writing activities….anything you would find helpful!) Use numbers to help structure the suggestions (1, 2, 3...etc) Conclusion: Example: I like…...….about the module so far. However, by adding in my suggestions, I think this would help me get a better grade.
Communications are like a canteen! Think of communication strategies, objectives etc as like going into a canteen There are loads of dishes there, but you will never need to eat all of them! With practice, experience, and advice from others, you learn what you like eating, and what is good for you Think of the Communications book in the same way…… You need to know what's there, but you will never need to use it all!
And don't forget…….