The Force to Be Reckoned With S The Force to Be Reckoned With You will explore Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion while viewing a Prezi. SUBSTITUTION Technology acts a direct substitute, with no functional improvement Watch this Prezi about Newton’s 2nd by clicking on this link Answer the following questions on your handout while viewing the Prezi. a. What is Newton’s Second Law? b. What is the formula for Newton’s Second Law? c. What is the relationship between force and acceleration? d. What is the relationship between mass and acceleration? This task requires laptops Learning Objective(s): Investigate the interactions of force, mass, and acceleration. Explain the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/email: Beth Snider School: SJ Welsh Louisiana State Standard: PS 22 & 23 Grade Level/Subject: 6th grade/ Science Special Directions/Considerations: You will need to create a handout with the questions listed above and enough laptops/ipads to have one for every 4 students. Activity Evaluation: Formative teacher checks students handouts Prerequisites for students: Students must have basic internet navigation skills
The Force to be Reckoned With A The Force to be Reckoned With You will participate in a Quizzizz that covers the concepts studied in the previous task card. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. You and your partner will go to You will enter the game code given to you by your teacher. You and a partner will collaborate to answer the game together. Use the knowledge and notes that you took from the prezi and our class discussions. Good luck! This task uses: Students use lap tops/ipads Learning Objective(s): Investigate the interactions of force, mass, and acceleration. Explain the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/email: Beth Snider School: SJ Welsh Louisiana State Standard: PS 22, 23 Grade Level/Subject: 6th /Science Special Directions/Considerations: Teacher will need to create a quizzizz account and copy and past this link into your webrowser to get a game code for your students Activity Evaluation: Teacher will review the results of the quizzizz for their students. Prerequisites for students: Students will need basic internet navigation skills.
The Force to be Reckoned With M The Force to be Reckoned With Students will design a slide in Google slides that illustrates their knowledge of Newton’s second law after exploring the hands on lesson. You will design a question for other students to answer. MODIFICATION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable You will visit the link listed below and insert a new slide. You and your partner will need formulate a question for your classmates to answer and put that question on the slide. You will need to include an illustration, background, and your student numbers on your slide. 3. Once you have completed your slide you should go in and answer another classmate’s slide in their notes section. Learning Objective(s): Investigate the interactions of force, mass, and acceleration. Explain the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/email: Beth Snider/ School: SJ Welsh Louisiana State Standard: PS 22, 23 Grade Level/Subject: 6th/Science Special Directions/Considerations: Students will have done the hands on portion of the NMSI lesson The Force to Be Reckoned With (balloon and paper clip activity) Activity Evaluation: Teacher will review responses to student derived questions. Prerequisites for students: Students will need basic google slide skills i.e., inserting pictures and text boxes.
The Force to be Reckoned With Students create a video using the ipads that explains Newton’s 2nd law. They will choose the materials and action that will relate the law to their video. Next students will post and comment on the other classes videos and asses if the video is a good depiction of the law in action. REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable You and your group members will create a video that depicts Newton’s 2nd Law in action. You will use the camera on the iPad. Next, you will post your video in the discussion board to Mrs. Snider’s blackboard Last you will comment on others videos and you will assess whether or not the video they created was a worthy example of Newton’s Second Law and explain your opinion. You will say why it was or was not a respectable depiction using accountable talk from the previous activities in the lesson. This task uses: Laptops Learning Objective(s): Investigate the interactions of force, mass, and acceleration. Explain the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/email: Beth Snider/ School: SJ Welsh Louisiana State Standard: PS 22 and 23 Grade Level/Subject: 6th/Physical Science Special Directions/Considerations: Teacher should have completed BB 201 Activity Evaluation: Teacher will view and grade student created videos and comments. Prerequisites for students: Students should have basic skills to navigate blackboard. Should have prior knowledge of how to comment and post in discussion boards. Learning O b j e c t i v e ( s ) : L i s t a l l t h a t a p p l y h e r e .
IMPACT SAMR Cover Sheet Teacher: Beth Snider Louisiana Science Standard (include description): PS 22 Demonstrate that an object will remain at rest or move at a constant speed and in a straight line if it is not subjected to an unbalanced force. PS 23 Predict the direction of a force applied to an object and how it will change the speed and direction of the object. Task Overview Learning Objective(s) Suggested Technology Students create a video using the iPad that explains Newton’s 2nd law. They will choose the materials and action that will relate the law to their video. Next students will post and comment on the other classes videos and asses if the video is a good depiction of the law in action. Investigate the interactions of force, mass, and acceleration. Explain the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration Lap tops and iPads Blackboard Students will design a slide in Google slides that illustrates their knowledge of Newton’s second law after exploring the hands on lesson. You will design a question for other students to answer. Laptops Google Slides You will participate in a Quizzizz that covers the concepts studied in the previous task card. Laptop/iPads Quizzizz You will explore Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion while viewing a Prezi. Laptops/iPads Prezi REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. transformation MODIFICATION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. enhancement SUBSTITUTION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with no real change.