PROJECT CHANGE REQUEST CONFIDENTIAL PROJECT CHANGE REQUEST Project Title: Project Code: Project Manager : Technical Leader: Project Custodian:
Introduction To seek recommendation/approval from PMC/PSC on project change request for ….. (please state the purpose for this change request)
Summary of the change request (CR) Approved Duration: Proposed New Duration: Approved Budget: Proposed New Budget: Approved Objectives: Proposed New Objectives : Approved Deliverables: Proposed New Deliverables : List out the originally approved vs. the proposed changes
Project Progress Update Planned Actual Variance Physical Progress Financial Progress (actual expenditure) Overall summary of project progress Give the overview on the current stage/ activities of the project, the physical progress % and also the financial progress ( PSR slide can be used, but limit to only 1 to 2 slides)
Justification for change in project schedule Please state your justification here: List out the schedule impact analysis For changes in schedule only, Pls delete if not applicable
Justification for change in project schedule (2) Please insert original g/chart & proposed g/chart For changes in schedule only, Pls delete if not applicable
Justification for change in project budget State your justification here: Changes in budget due to : additional manpower required for the project , additional tool required, due to increase in duration thus need to cover the additional manpower cost and SFOR cost For changes in project budget only, Pls delete if not applicable
Detail breakdown (Original Vs Revised) Approved Proposed revision Manpower Equipment & Tools Material Incidental Total Budget Total Value (+15% management fee) For changes in project budget only, Pls delete if not applicable
Justification for change in project objective State your reason and justification here For changes in project objective only, Pls delete if not applicable
Recommendation: The PMC/ PSC is recommended to approve…. Project xxx…. …with new project value of RM xxx…. …..with new completion date of xxxxx etc…..
Appendix 11