Unit 2 European Society 1400-1600
European Society 1400-1600 Watch carefully for elements of a civilization in these images of France, Portugal, Spain, and England from 1400 – 1600 Write down the number of the slide in your notes Then next to each number write the element or elements of civilization that are shown Remember they are: art/architecture, centers of trade, religion, organized government, writing, social classes, and specialized labor
#1 -- Bank Scene Originally a “bank” was just a counter; moneychangers who sat behind the counter became “bankers,” exchanging different currencies and holding deposits for merchants and businesspeople. In this scene from fifteenth-century Florence, is represented the bank system used in Europe at this time. Prato, San Francesco/Scala/ArtResource, NY
The Renaissance affected England, Spain, France, and Portugal Known as the Renaissance, the period immediately following the Middle Ages in Europe saw a great revival of interest in the classical learning. Because of growing prosperity, the development of new technologies–including the printing press, a new system of astronomy and the discovery and exploration of new continents–was accompanied by philosophy, literature and especially art.
#2 - The Print Shop This sixteenth-century engraving captures the busy world of a print shop: On the left, men set pieces of type, and an individual wearing glasses checks a copy. At the rear, another applies ink to the type, while a man carries in fresh paper on his head. At the right, the master printer operates the press, while a boy removes the printed pages and sets them to dry. The well dressed figure in the right foreground may be the patron checking to see whether his job is done. Giraudon/ArtResource, NY
#3 - The Growth of Printing in Europe Count the number of printing centers in England, Spain, Portugal, and France
#4 - Spain in 1492 The marriage of Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile in 1469 united Spain’s different cultures
#5 - Ferdinand and Isabella are rulers of Spain These wooden sculptures show the rulers of Spain who commissioned Columbus and his voyage Capilla Real, Granada/LauriePlatt Winfrey, Inc.
#6 – Westminster Abbey Located in London, England, this church was built over 600 years ago. It is also where Prince William and Kate were married in 2011
#7 – The Hall of Mirrors This room in Versailles, France has been an important location for political meetings for 100s of years
#8 – Versailles, France For centuries this castle was the country estate of the King of France. He held court here in this magnificent structure
#9 - Bourgeoise This painting entitled “Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme” captured the upper social class of France during this period
#10 - Banking This painting is of banking center in Europe during the 1500s with a banker and his accountant
#11 – Shipping The sea trade was critical to the economies of these nations who all had ports of their own. This painting is of a Portuguese explorer, da Gama, looking for more profitable trade routes
#12 – French Palace This painting depicts the ability of the upper class to associate with royalty at their palaces