Absolute Monarchs How do they compare??
Young Louis XIV
“L’etat, c’est moi” “I am the state.” King Louis XIV – the “Sun King” Source of all political authority in France
Louis XIV 1643-1715 ABSOLUTE MONARCHY--Sun King French language Estates General not called Revokes Edict of Nantes Versailles Distrust of Nobility Undermines and controls nobility
The Orangery
Louis XIV’s Chapel
Palais de Versailles
Creation of Russian Empire Reforms Peter the Great 1689-1725 Creation of Russian Empire Reforms Westernization Education of nobles Etiquette German and French at court Angered clergy, Old Believers, and old noble families Standing army Built up the fleet Expanded territory to the Baltic Capital at St. Petersburg Became dominant power in the Baltic region Problems Primitive transportation Lack of raw materials and capital Absence of sizable merchant class Acquired new territory at the expense of Sweden, Poland, and the Turks Extensive knowledge of weapons More comfortable with dockworkers and artisans than nobles when traveled to the west 2/3 of the revenue went to the military during peacetime Old Believers--schismatic group of the Russian Orthodox Church who refused to accept the reforms of Michael Romanov
Western Customs Forced Russian nobility to adopt western customs Western European clothing (short coats) Shave beards Women ordered to attend parties
Russian Boyars
St. Petersburg
Tokugawa Ieyasu 1600-1616 Completed unification of Japan Began the Tokugawa shogunate Wants to weaken daimyo who still ruled at the local level Keeps them busy in Edo [Tokyo] Left families behind when they returned home Enlarged castle at Edo Made daimyo help pay for cost Restored centralized power to Japan On deathbed told his son “Take care of the people. Strive to be virtuous. Never neglect to protect the country.” Brought order to Japan for centuries Feudalism Haiku and kabuki dances Feared growing numbers of Christians Banned Christianity Focused on ridding country of Christians
Osaka Castle
Main Gate of Hiroshima Castle
ConclusionSimilarities All rise to power after years of warfare (better to have strict dictator than chaos and war) Built strong armies All raise heavy taxes Expanded territory Created a strong centralized power Brought nobility under control Drew advisors from middle class Encouraged better manufacturing and trade Brought church under government control Did not allow religious toleration