Psychology As a Science
What is Science? In your pair discuss and write a few ideas down. Stuck! Think back to GCSE Science (it was not that long ago)
What is Science? The systematic study of behaviour based on observation, experiment and measurement.
What makes a piece of research scientific? In your pair discuss and write a few ideas down. Stuck! Think back to GCSE Science (it was not that long ago)
The Scientific Method Hypothetico-Deductive Model Hypothesis is tested Theory/Observation Proposed Hypothetico-Deductive Model Hypothesis is tested Testable Hypothesis Generated Theory/Observation Accepted or rejected Hypothesis proven/disproved
What makes a piece of research scientific? Key Word Definition Observable Open to direct assessment and measurement Objective Open to replication and re-investigation Testable Where fellow scientists evaluate research to assess its contribution Empirical Based on the examination and measurement behaviours which are visible for all to see Replicable The idea that we cannot prove anything to be true we can only prove that something is untrue. Falsifiable Not affected by personal feelings or opinions Causality Based on the collection of data which reflects proven facts Peer Reviewed the relationship between cause and effect.
Remember our key words… Your Task In your groups plan out in detail how you would test this theory. Remember our key words… St/Wk of your plan
Theory One Freud (1923) later developed a more structural model of the mind comprising the entities id, ego, and superego (what Freud called “the psychic apparatus”). These are not physical areas within the brain, but rather hypothetical conceptualizations of important mental functions. Freud assumed the id operated at an unconscious level: innate drives such as aggression. The ego develops from the id during infancy. The ego's goal is to satisfy the demands of the id in a safe a socially acceptable way. The superego develops during early childhood (when the child identifies with the same sex parent) and is responsible for ensuring moral standards are followed.. Id: devil on your shoulders Superego: angel on you shoulders Ego: has to balance the id and superego
Theory Two Social Learning Theory (Bandura): Bandura's Social Learning Theory proposes that people learn from one another, via observation, imitation, and modelling.
Theory Three Scientists propose that there is a genetic cause for aggressive behaviour.