Activities for Newton’s First Three Laws of Motion By: Patrick Flint and Brian M
Rolling Ball (1st Law of Motion) All you need is a ball and you finger/hand depending on the size of the ball Once you have pushed it on a flat surface it will move but get slower as time continues This is because of friction which is the external force making the ball stop If there was no friction it would never stop
Jet (1st Law of Motion) A jet has to get going and be able to stop It uses an engine that pushes gas to get it going Without the jet it wouldn’t get going because of friction and air resistance When in the air it still needs the gas because of air resistance which is the external force When stopping these forces help but it needs to slow down faster so it uses a parachute which is in a way combined with air resistance and friction to stop it Air resistance plays the main role in the external force when it comes to jets
Car VS Coins (2nd Law of Motion) We will take a medium toy car and 4 strings and a coffee filter and a few coins. We will then put 4 holes in the coffee filter We will tie the 4 strings in the holes of the coffee filter and tie those to the back of the car we will hang the coffee filter off the edge of the table and put different coins and different amounts of coins in it to see the increase of speed
Pendulum (2nd Law of Motion) All you need is a pendulum When one ball hits the other ball the shock goes through all the balls and it moves the last one or how ever many you used first while the first one doesn’t move until the other side comes back Pull one or 2 balls and see the magic