Destressing the Holidays December 13, 2016 Dan Thorne, LMFT Founder and Developer, PRAXES
Goals Today Define stress Understanding its effects during the holidays Solutions to control stress and breathe easier Help your child(ren) manage the stress, too!
Background of presenter Developer of PRAXES, parenting program for reducing parenting stress 40 years in behavioral health, including over 30 years as Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist 27 years as director of outpatient and inpatient mental health and substance abuse programs Parent of three adoptive children with mental health problems Challenged dog owner Click to add notes
What is Stress? Change from our normal (positive or negative) The brain’s response to demands Stress is in the eyes of the beholder
How does stress affect your body? Fight, flight, or freeze Changes Pulse faster Breathe faster Muscles constrict Eyes dilate Cortisol excreted to reduce inflammation You survive!
What about chronic stress? Mind thinks everything is urgent Lower body immunity Trouble sleeping Somatic problems Body wears down Emotional disorders
During the holidays, What else could go wrong? Increases in: Domestic violence Alcohol consumption Food consumption Drug consumption
Shopping stress
Cooking stress More dishes More costs Got to make those _____________ (cookies, cakes, pies, etc.)
The holidays and the special needs child (SNC) Increase in activity at home and school More demands in school for songs, projects, etc. Expectations of presents at home Child as the sponge More interactions with family/others
SNC holiday behaviors Emotional outbursts Verbal aggression Physical aggression Withdrawal Increase in symptoms and behaviors
Destressing time Organize your time Set your goals for the holiday What needs to be done? Can you remove tasks to reduce demands?
Do something good for yourself Take time for your hobbies Music Exercise Gardening What you like to do
Take time to relax Sit in comfortable chair Close eyes Take deep breath hold for five seconds, let out Tense and relax muscles Two more deep breaths Picture relaxing image, or continue tense and relax Open eyes when ready
Destressing the SNC Time out options? Self-soothing skills? Have a buddy Code word Lots of praise
Destressing the family What do you tell other family members? Child’s strengths and how to handle challenges Know the buddy Know the code word Know what to say
What are holidays supposed to be? Time for family and friends Celebrate your special holiday (Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanzaa, Posada, etc.) Make is an enjoyable time!
Questions? Thank you Dan Thorne, LMFT 657-200-5031