Evaluation of Response to Induction-Chemotherapy in Correlation to p53 Genotype in NSCLC stage III; Phase II Study P53 analysis OP 3 cyles GEMZAR/ CIS Response DG P53 analysis 3 cycles DOCETAXEL mono P53 analysis Failure OP Purpose: First prospective evaluation of the impact of the p53 genotype for response to different CTs
Evaluation of response to induction - CT in correlation to p53 genotype in NSCLC stage III ; phase II study Short title: p53 tailored induction therapy Currently open, accademical study 7 investigational centers in Austria 25 patients accrued, 37 additional needed Intended by www.p53.at
Evaluation of response to induction-CT in correlation to p53 genotype in NSCLC stage III; phase II study Inclusion NSCLC Stage IIIA or IIIB No prior NSCLC therapy Age 18-70 Exclusion Recent CT with investigational drug Second primary CA Concurrent other tumor therapy