AP Japanese Hiroko Arndt harndt@ausd.net
Course Description The AP Japanese class is designed to develop and strengthen the Japanese language proficiency in communication in real-life situations and cultural literacy. The AP course curriculum is built based on the National Standards for Japanese Language Learning and is the equivalent of approximately 300 hours of college-level class instruction. Students read and discuss newspaper and magazine articles, short stories and write compositions. Grammar is studied intensively. The course is taught entirely in Japanese except on rare occasions
Course objectives To continue developing communication skills with aspects of socio-cultural knowledge. 2. To continue increasing vocabularies and study about 500 kanji characters. 3. To be able to communicate on various topics and situations such as travel planning, transportation, health, life and careers, media, nature and culture.
Textbooks and materials
Pacing One chapter per month
Assessments Quizzes Tests vocabulary chapter tests daily kanji semester finals listening comprehension
Class participation Class participation is an essential part of the course.
Homework The completion of all homework assignments is worth 10% of total assessment points.
Grading A+ 97% and above A 93% - 96% A- 90% - 92% B+ 87% - 89%
Grading C+ 77% - 79% C 73% - 76% C- 70% - 72% D+ 67% - 69% D 63% - 66% F 59% and below
Class room policy Respect classmates and the teacher Being polite to others in your words and actions Keep your electronic devices in your backpacks when a class is in session Gum chewing, eating, drinking (except water) , feet on or sitting on desks, putting on makeup are not permitted in class because they are considered inappropriate in a Japanese classroom Work from other classes may be confiscated
Thank you for your support