Risky Decisions, behaviours and potential outcomes while under the influence of Alcohol Lesson 4 References : Changes and Choices Book pg 114 and 115 Rethinking drinking Pg 20 & 25
Risky Decisions, behaviours and potential outcomes while under the influence of Alcohol Even after a few drinks, people under the influence are at risk of danger through other individuals and themselves Points such as 1. Differences with risks between females and males 2. Scenarios that happen at parties and social gatherings. Eg Injuries 3. The effect that this has on non drinkers 4. Opens up discussion on what we can do if in a situation 5. Sexual vulnerability 6. The Hangover, what effect does that have on a drinker in the short term and long term
Risky Decisions, behaviours and potential outcomes while under the influence of Alcohol Some of the issues that come up with people under the influence ; Physical injuries Physical Harm to individuals and others Losing respect of peers and friends Exposing non drinkers to consequences related to alcohol induced friends
Risky Decisions, behaviours and potential outcomes while under the influence of Alcohol Class Activity Students are to complete activities on worksheets from Changes and Choices Book pg 114 and 115 Students will discuss their answers with the rest of the class Time Taken for activity : 10 mins
Class Activity and Discussion Risky Decisions, behaviours and potential outcomes while under the influence of Alcohol There are a lot of situations that as people of society we must be aware that these occur. The most important thing is to look at the safety of ones self and then the friends and colleagues that you accompany you. Having a clear head would be the most important aspect. Class Activity and Discussion Looking at the activity sheet titled “What if you were there”(Pg 24) Complete the activity in groups of 2. If possible I would like you to team up with someone of the opposite sex, to get a different view of each scenario Ref : Rethinking drinking Pg 24
Sexual Vulnerability and taking risks Risky Decisions, behaviours and potential outcomes while under the influence of Alcohol Sexual Vulnerability and taking risks All people are at risk when under the influence, but this is directed specifically to girls and women With what we have learnt about the effects of alcohol on the body we can see that decision making can be clouded, which in turn could spell danger if people are in the placed in the wrong situation Consider the next scenario, and then in groups of 2 answer the questions on the page titled “Sexual Vulnerability and taking risks” pg 20 Ref : Rethinking drinking Pg 20
Risky Decisions, behaviours and potential outcomes while under the influence of Alcohol Case Scenario Boy A and Girl B have been drinking at a party. It’s got to a point that friends can see that they are getting disorientated but they consider that they are in full view of everyone so they can keep an eye on them. Lets assume that something did occur between the couple. Take a look at the questions on the sheet mentioned on the previous slide and answer the questions. If there is not enough space please use a blank sheet of paper Discuss your answers with the class and reasoning behind them
Hang Overs and the Effect in the Long Term Risky Decisions, behaviours and potential outcomes while under the influence of Alcohol Hang Overs and the Effect in the Long Term Physical after effects Dehydration : due to alcohol being a diuretic Causes water to be excreted through the system Must drink water to maintain fluid levels Long term effects Can cause damage to major organs Develop a tolerance Social, Emotional and financial pain Ref : Rethinking drinking Pg 25