Urinary Symptoms in the Female Most urinary symptoms in the female are functional disorders Management is directed towards improvement of quality of life. If symptoms are of sudden onset or atypical, especially in the elderly, bladder malignancy should be considered with early referral to secondary care. Presentation Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) : Leakage on physical activity Overactive Bladder (OAB) symptoms : urgency, frequency, urge incontinence, nocturia, enuresis Mixed Urinary Incontinence: Both SUI and OAB symptoms Complicated Symptoms Haematuria Bladder pain Recurrent UTIs Voiding dysfunction Retention Suspected fistula Assessment History & Examination - Prev incontinence or prolapse surgery / Prev pelvic irradiation - Significant and/or Symptomatic prolapse / Pelvic mass - Atrophic changes in postmenopausal women Treat with topical oestrogen - Post-void residual if indicated – If significant Urinalysis +/- MSSU - Positive for blood Follow Haematuria Pathway - UTI Treat with antibiotics Frequency-Volume-Chart Clinical Diagnosis Early Referral to Secondary Care SUI OAB + / - Incontinence Mixed Incontinence Primary Management Lifestyle interventions - Review fluid intake ( 1-1.5l per day ) - Reduce caffeine intake - Normalize weight / Stop smoking / Treat constipation Supervised and targeted pelvic floor muscle training/Physiotherapy for 15-20 weeks (See link to Referral Pathway below) Supervised bladder re-training for 15-20 weeks for OAB Drug therapy for OAB (see Prescribing Guidance)/Consider Duloxetine for SUI If symptoms persist Referral to Secondary Care for Specialised Management
Referral Pathway to Women’s Health Physiotherapists in the Community across Edinburgh and the Lothians (West/Mid/East) Referrals via SCI Gateway – Option: AHP – Physiotherapy. Edinburgh – Community MSK HUB (Slateford) AHP – Physiotherapy. East Lothian – Roodlands Hospital (East Lothian) AHP – Physiotherapy. Midlothian – Roodlands Hospital (Midlothian) AHP – Physiotherapy. St Johns Hospital (West Lothian) Referrals will be directed to one of the Community Physiotherapy Services MSK Outpatient Clinics. Referrals will be triaged appropriately to a Women’s Health Physiotherapist.