Roanoke, the “Lost” Colony 1585 – Sir Walter Raleigh attempted but colonists returned. 1587 – Raleigh sends 2nd group under John White to Roanoke Island & leaves for more supplies. 1590 – White returns to an abandoned colony, some rusted debris and…
What Happened to Them? “There were theories. Indian raid, disease, but nobody knows what really happened. They were all just gone. Wiped out over night.” The principal theory is that they dispersed and were absorbed by either the local Croatoan or Hatteras Indians. “…descendants of the Croatoan tribe, the modern day Lumbee, [appeared…] 50 years after the disappearance of the colony. Observers described these people as having European features and speaking English.”
England’s First Permanent “New World” Settlement Jamestown 1607 England’s First Permanent “New World” Settlement
English - All Business Two Joint Stock Companies Shares of the business sold to investors Va. Company of Plymouth VA. Company of London Search for Silver & Gold Nothing else got done – no planning for future “…he that will not work shall not eat.” John Smith forces farming.
Jamestown Threatened John Smith blown up – Colonists’ link to Natives is gone and they distrust those remaining. Colonists antagonize Indians & Powhatan Crops fail, bad water, freezing winter… “Starving time”
Tobacco Saves Jamestown John Rolfe led a 2nd group of settlers. Plays with blending 2 strains of tobacco to compete with Spanish success. Result – a high quality plant in demand in Europe. “Brown Gold” saves Jamestown. After that tobacco was all they grew