Bellringer: What challenges would you face if you had to support yourself by living off the land at this time of year?
Chapter 3 – Colonial America Lesson 1 Roanoke and Jamestown page 57
How does geography influence the way people live? ESSENTIAL QUESTION How does geography influence the way people live?
GUIDING QUESTIONS 1. What problems did the Roanoke settlers encounter? 2. Why did the Jamestown settlement succeed?
Terms to Know charter a document granting the recipient the right to settle a colony
Terms to Know joint-stock company a company in which investors buy stock in return for a share of the company's future profits
Terms to Know headright a 50-acre grant of land given to settlers who came to the colony
Terms to Know burgess an elected representative to an assembly
AVID Pre-Reading Surveying the Text What is the text? Describe any visuals in the section you have been asked to read.
Organizational Signals AVID Pre-Reading Organizational Signals Describe the layout of the text, observing titles, subtitles, sections, & page breaks.
Predicting the Main Idea AVID Pre-Reading Predicting the Main Idea Read the title of the text (& sections) & make predictions about the main idea(s). What will this text be about?
Read: Lesson 1 Roanoke and Jamestown pages 60 – 63 and take Cornell Notes.
Answer the following Guiding Questions: What happened to the colony at Roanoke? How did the colony at Jamestown survive?