BBB Biological Honor Society Welcome to the first meeting of the semester!
President Theresa Deike BSA Biology Major Junior
Announcements: Pledges All pledges are required to fill out the registration form on HornsLink prior to being added to our roster. Deadline is 3/3. If you are interested in regular membership you must fill out the FERPA form on Horns Link by midnight 3/3.
Email if you have any questions Announcements: Actives Actives, if you did not fill out your membership application for this semester you are not considered an active member. :( Second semester pledges are defined as members who did not finish Fall 2014 pledge requirements. If you pledged any other semester and did not complete requirements you are required to repledge. Email if you have any questions
Announcements If you are a lower classman interested in a leadership position in the future please email the officer account Those interested in running for office in the future are advised to shadow officers currently holding the position.
Vice President Nicole Sanguinetti About me: Senior Ecology, Evolution, & Behavior major Really likes animals
Princeton Review All current members receive $200 discount on prep classes Cannot be combined with other discounts 2 Half-scholarships are available to be used towards a prep class One will be awarded to the most active member One will be auctioned off at the last meeting
Secretary Meagan Aguirre Marine & Freshwater Biology Major Undergraduate Research Assistant Dr. Thomas Laboratory at University of Texas Marine Science Institute (UTMSI) I think a quick bio and some information about what you oversea would be sufficient. Just make sure that you talk some about the requirements and the spreadsheet that contains the records of everyone's progress and how to access it
Associate Membership No GPA, major, or course requirements One time due of $100 Eligible for publication in BIOS, Princeton Review discount, committee positions and national scholarships
Honors Membership Open to all Biology and Public Health majors with a 3.0 GPA who have completed Genetics One time due of $100 Eligible for publication in BIOS, Princeton Review discount, national scholarships Eligible to run for and hold office Receive honor cords upon graduation
Requirements: Pledges 2 of each (social, volunteer, fundraising, and research) 5 meetings
Requirements: Actives 1 of each (social, volunteer, fundraising, and research) 4 meetings
Can’t Attend Meetings? Email the officer account at with proof of your conflict Requirements will instead be: Actives:4 social, 3 volunteering, 3 fundraising, and 1 research event Pledges: 4 social, 3 volunteering, 3 fundraising, and 2 research events
What do I do? In charge of: Problems? Member sign-in Updating membership spreadsheet Allowing easy access to spreadsheet (Google Doc) Problems? Contact:
2nd Semester Pledges Must fulfil uncompleted requirements from Fall 2014 Must also complete active requirements for the current semester
Research Requirement We do not require that members be actively involved in research on campus The national βββ office places high importance on the exploration and discussion (research) of the many opportunities present in the field of biology. This requirement is fulfilled by attending lectures and events from guest speakers involved in STEM fields Guest speakers at meeting do not fulfill this requirement
Webmaster Jonathan Pollard Senior Neurobiology major B.S. MIS major BBBA We will be using Hornslink for our website
Master of Coin New member dues: $100 Treasurer chair application open. Due by next meeting. Link: Buy old BBB t-shirts for a fundraising credit. Upcoming profit share in March.
Historian Michelle Chang Public Relations Assistant Application: Presenting & Tabling Short presentations in classes/labs Tabling **Recruitment will count as a volunteer credit or social credit!**
Reminder actives need 1 volunteer credit! Volunteering Events Project 2015 Saturday sign up for the Guadalupe Saldana Net Zero Subdivision in the afternoon Worth 2 credits Reminder actives need 1 volunteer credit!
Reminder actives need 1 volunteer credit! Volunteering Events Explore UT March 7th If you do this send me a picture of you with your Explore UT shirt at Reminder actives need 1 volunteer credit!
Social Sweaty yoga this Saturday from 10:30-11:45am. Please email me if you plan on attending ( Thursday, March 5 Red Mango from 6-8pm Who would be interested in a dodgeball tournament?
All Committee/Assistant Application Links President Email Social Coordinator Treasurer Historian