My Favourite Activities
I You We They like cycling. Ahmet and Seda cycling
cycling I You We They don’t like cycling. Ahmet and Seda
Ayşegül likes skipping. Kağan likes playing violin. playing violin
She doesn’t like reading book. He doesn’t like doing puzzles.
like love don’t like / doesn’t like hate
I like playing golf.
Tuğçe likes playing the guitar.
Selim loves playing computer games.
Ali Ali likes swimming.
Sedat and Züleyha love dancing.
They They like skating.
I love playing basketball.
Aslı and Ecem like skipping rope. Buse Buse likes skipping rope Buse likes skipping rope.
Burak loves playing chess.
The cat loves eating fish and drinking milk.
Ferdi loves playing football.
Mert and Okan like reading newspaper.
The children like cycling.
Sümeyra doesn’t like jogging.
Veysel and Ertan like riding horse.
My mother loves shopping. MOTHERS LOVE SHOPPİNG My mother loves shopping.
Anıl doesn’t like doing puzzles. ANIL DOESN’T LİKE DOİNG PUZZLES Anıl doesn’t like doing puzzles.
I don’t like playing football.
Suzan and Arzu don’t like playing tag. I DON’T LİKE PLAYİN TAG BUT SUSAN LİKES PLAYİNG TAG Suzan and Arzu don’t like playing tag.
They don’t like singing songs. THEY DON’T LİKE LİSTENİNG TO MUSİC They don’t like singing songs.
They love singing songs. THEY LOVE LİSTENİNG TO MUSİC They love singing songs.
Buse and her brother love watching TV. BUSE AND HER BROTHER LOVE WATCHİNG TELEVİSİON Buse and her brother love watching TV.
Sefer doesn’t like lifting weight. SEFER DOESN’T LİKE LİFTİNG WEİGHTS Sefer doesn’t like lifting weight.
George hates playing table tennis.
I HATE WALKİNG I hate jogging.
Tom TOM HATES EATİNG FİSH Tom hates eating fish.
I HATE EATİNG FİSH I hate eating fish.
Elizabeth doesn’t like jogging. ELİZABETH DOESN’T LİKE PLAYİNG TAG Elizabeth doesn’t like jogging.
They hate climbing on mountains.
Bobby loves driving a car. BURAK LOVES DRİVİNG Bobby loves driving a car.
Do you like playing basketball ? Yes,I do.. Yes, I like playing football. Yes , I love playing basketball. Do you like doing puzzles ? No ,I don’t. YES, I LİKE PLAYİNG BASKETBALL No ,I don’t like doing puzzles. No ,I hate doing puzzles.