Spain Shamma Al Mansoori(H00225268) Marwa Al Kathir(H00226511) Mariam AlRumaithi (H00253737) Mariam Al Shehhi(H00208436) Fathima Al Falahi(H00206614) Reem AlQubaisi(H00206868)
General information Country name: Espana (Spain) Capital city: Madrid National flag: Plus Ultra National flower: Red carnation Current: Euro (EUR) “1 EUR = 1.06030 USD” (2015) Language: Spanish, or Castilian President: José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero
Three colors worldview The family is the basis of the social structure and includes both the nuclear and the extended family, which sometimes provides both a social and a financial support network. Honor & shame Loyalty and commitment are based on long term nurtured relationship. higher value on the pursuit of group goals. Power & fear Loyalty and commitment is linked to power position in relationship. increase interpersonal effectiveness: if possible don’t blame the individual in public even when it is his/her fault.
Depend on kay within the group of leverage from and influence others. The Spanish prefer to do business with those they know and trust. Honor & shame Depend on kay within the group of leverage from and influence others. Power & fear Rely on verbal commitment to build relationship. increase interpersonal effectiveness: Give them reason to trust you.
Use direct communication. They mostly use direct communication. Face-to-face contact is preferred to written or telephone communication. Power & fear Use direct communication. They mostly use direct communication. increase interpersonal effectiveness: use indirect communication to refer to challenges.
Dining Etiquette If invited to a Spaniard's home, you can bring chocolates, pastries, or cakes; wine, liqueur, or brandy; or flowers to the hostess. If you know your hosts have children, they may be included in the evening, so a small gift for them is always appreciated.
Table Manner keep your hands visible when eating. Keep your wrists resting on the edge of the table. If you have not finished eating, cross your knife and fork on your plate with the fork over the knife. Indicate you have finished eating by laying your knife and fork parallel on your plate, tines facing up, with the handles facing to the right.
Lets Learn Spanish Body Language !!!
Proverbs from Spanish “There is no untrue proverb” The Spanish collection proverbs offers overview of the mentality of the people is presented and view of the world through the hundreds of anecdotes, references, and hidden meanings. “Boquerón que se duerme, se lo lleve la corriente” (Do not miss a trick) Meaning: This recommends not to miss any opportunity and to be active in our business and work. People who do not act fast will not enjoy benefits or will lose the opportunity.
“Cuando las barbas de tu vecino veas pelar, pon las tuyas a remojar” (You should learn from other people's mistakes) Means: This Spanish proverb advises the misfortune of others in order to be warned of what could happen to us. Note: The reference to the beards of great significance: In the classical world, and in the Middle Ages, beards and pointed honor, courage, and strength. The biggest insult between Moroccans and Christians to pull each other to live.
An object typical of Spain culture: I will talk about something Famous in la rambla street in the middle of barcelona its call thurible: thurible its mean : It’s a container in which incense is burned, typically during a religious ceremony
Famous buildings Sagrada Família “church of The Holy Family”
Famous buildings Aqueduct of Segovia
Famous buildings Alhambra
Lets play & Learn Spanish