Arkansas Association / Board Win / Win Arkansas Association / Board Win / Win Jason Cates Ron Carroll
Arkansas Athletic Trainers’ Association Founded April 26, 1987 With goal of achieving state licensure of athletic trainers
Officers Elected President President Elect Secretary Treasurer
Le Legislative Committee Organized Dues $15.00 32 Members 1987 Bank Balance $886.35 4/24/88
Current Voting Officers President (2 year term) President-Elect (2 year term) Past President (2 year term) Delegate at Large (2 year term) District Representative (May 1, 1994)(2 year term)
Current Non Voting Members Secretary / Treasurer Parliamentarian Recording Secretary Current Dues $50.00 Total (Collected by District) ($25.00 for Association, $25.00 for Legislative)
Current Membership 319 167 Certified 129 Students 8 Student Certified 11 Career Certified 1 Associate, - 3 Retired Certified
Current Association Financial Balance Legislative $14,175.00
4/28/91 AATA Annual Meeting Draft Legislative Bill for legislation of athletic trainer
1993 Arkansas Bill 822 Senate Passes House voted to study
Act 1279 1995 Arkansas State Athletic Trainers Committee of the Physical Therapy Board Three Athletic Trainers One Consumer
Act 1124 of 2001 Establish the Arkansas State Board of Athletic Training Interagency agreement with Physical Therapy Board $6,000.00 per year
Current Board 4 Athletic Trainers 1 Consumer Board Office 2 Office Personnel 1 Appointed Attorney
Current numbers 4/18/13 230 Licensed members 0 Temporary Permits Total Financial Balance $125,714.02
Fees Application Fee $25.00 Initial Licensure Fee $100.00 (GA $50.00) Annual Renewal Fee $50.00 (GA $25.00) Temporary Permit $1,200.00($300.00 per Quarter) Reactivation Fee $75.00, Late Fee $100.00
Licensing Board Reports provided at Association Mid-Winter and Annual Meetings Board Yearly Budget $20,517.00
2008 Continuing Education Grant $2,000.00
Win / Win Board is providing a continuing education opportunity Association is receiving financial assistance with annual meeting Athletic Trainer is receiving CEU’s at minimal cost
Jason Cates Ron Carroll Questions / Thank You Jason Cates Ron Carroll