Language Arts 7th Grade Bring a book to class every day! Expectations 2016-2017 Teacher contact CLASS MATERIALS 907-352-7569 TMS, Skyview Hall, Room C205 Required: Recommended: ☐ 1.5” 3-ring binder ☐ Thumb drive ☐ 5 tabbed dividers ☐ Multiple Post-It notes ☐ Multiple pencils ☐ 2 Blue or black ink pens ☐ One Glue Stick ☐ College-ruled filler paper ☐ One white eraser ☐ Scissors ☐ 2 highlighters ☐ 1 college-ruled composition book Bring a book to class every day! Class Procedures Grades 1.Enter quietly and fill out your planner; turn in any work; and begin working on Bell activity. 2. Put proper heading on all work. 3. Do not use electronic devices in class without teacher permission. 4. Use restroom during passing breaks. 5. Maintain a clean and orderly work area. 6. Bring all of your supplies to class daily. 7. Complete all of your work to the best of your ability and turn it in on time. 8. Abide by our Social Contract and the Titan Code of Conduct. Expectations 30% 20% 40% 15% 40% 15% 2% 10% 10% TESTS QUIZZES GRAMMAR VOCABULARY BELL WORK HOMEWORK 1. Friendly Reminder: The teacher will provide a verbal or non-verbal reminder to help you get back on track. Class mates may also give you a nonverbal reminder. 2. Notice One: quick conversation and reflection (at student’s work area) 3. Notice Two: move to perimeter of room to reflect; take responsibility & return when ready 4. Referral to Student Responsibility Classroom: a student will be immediately referred to the SRC for certain infractions, or as a final notice * See pages 10 – 11 of your planner under Titans Code of Conduct. Class progress reports will be sent home mid-quarter. Parents and students are strongly encouraged to view the class website and check grades on iParent on a weekly basis for EVERY class. Grades are posted weekly. Website is updated weekly. Consequences
And Extra credit / Retakes 2016-2017 Absentee Policy Late / Incomplete Work And Extra credit / Retakes 2016-2017 Absentee Policy *The expectation is that ALL assignments will be completed to the best of each student’s ability each and every time. This includes turning it in on time. * Late work will be accepted and graded, but will be reduced by 50% if turned in after the due date. (This does not count for those that were absent; see absentee policy.) * There will be no extra credit assignments. However, if you take a quiz or test and do not do as well as you would have liked, you can practice/study and retake that quiz or test within a week. YES, WE WILL DO SOMETHING IMPORTANT EVEN WHEN YOU ARE ABSENT! * It is your responsibility to check with the teacher, look on the class web site, and/or check with a classmate to find out what happened while you were out. * Per School District policy and the TMS Student Handbook, you have a day for each day you missed, plus one additional day, to make up and turn in any missed work. (See page 6 of your planner.) Plagiarism is the taking of ideas and writings of another and passing them off as one’s own. In this class, plagiarism includes... 1. turning in another’s work as one’s own 2. copying work from a friend before class 3. including a source but failing to cite it 4. copying an author’s exact words and passing them off as one’s own Students caught plagiarizing will be given a ZERO for the assignment. Plagiarism Technology REMIND APP This app is available on iPhones and Androids, and can be downloaded for free. Class reminders and important announcements will be posted on the class web site and on Remind throughout the year. To get access to class information, text @tms2017ela to the number 81010. The class has access to all of the Collections material online. In addition, each student has an account on Moby Max, an online Language Arts enrichment program. Passwords and login information will be sent home in a separate document later in August. These programs will be used at school, and encouraged at home. Also, all writing assignments can be submitted digitally. (Let your teacher know if you don’t have a computer to use after school for homework.) I, ________________________________________, have read and understand the rules and expectations for Language Arts. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to contact my teacher if I have any questions or concerns. I know that this syllabus, assignments, calendars, and resources are available to me on Mrs. Bamburg’s class website at any time. I know that assignments can be submitted digitally at any time and that printer/computer/flash drive issues are not an excuse for late work. I understand that there will be a quiz over the information on this syllabus to ensure I read and understand the rules and expectations. Student signature ________________________________ Parent signature ____________________________________