ASYNCHRONOUS TRANSFER MODE(ATM) Sangram Sekhar Choudhuri SEMINAR REPORT ON ASYNCHRONOUS TRANSFER MODE(ATM) Under the Guidance of Mr R.K.Shial By Sangram Sekhar Choudhuri CS200118218
INTRODUCTION High performance, cell-oriented switching and multiplexing technology Utilizes fixed-length packets to carry different types of traffic Helps in efficient multimedia applications, high-speed LAN connections and used in broad range of networking devices
BENEFITS OF ATM high performance via hardware switching dynamic bandwidth for bursty traffic class-of-service support for multimedia scalability in speed and network size common LAN/WAN architecture opportunities for simplification via VC architecture international standards compliance
ATM SERVICE CLASSES constant bit rate (CBR) variable bit rate–non-real time (VBR–NRT) variable bit rate–real time (VBR–RT) available bit rate (ABR) unspecified bit rate (UBR)
ATM TECHNICAL PARAMETERS cell loss ratio (CLR) cell transfer delay (CTD) cell delay variation (CDV) peak cell rate (PCR) burst tolerance (BT) sustained cell rate (SCR)
ATM STANDARDS A cohesive set of specifications that provide a stable ATM framework. Provide the end-to-end service definitions An important ATM standard is interworking between ATM and frame relay Two ATM networking standards 1)broadband intercarrier interface (B–ICI) 2)public network-to-network interface (P–NNI)
DATA INSERTION SCHEMES RFC1483-specifies how interrouter traffic is encapsulated into ATM LANEMPOA- support dynamic use of ATM SVCs voice and video adaptation schemes-for efficient traffic that no natural breaks, such as a circuit carrying bits at a fixed rate
ATM LAN EMULATION(LANE) LANE components 1)LANE clients 2)LANE servers
VIDEO OVER ATM Handled by VBR–RT VCs using AAL–5 for MPEG2 on ATM for video-on-demand applications MPEG2 coding can result in two modes: program streams—variable-length packets carrying single or multiple programs transport streams—188-byte packets that contain multiple programs Time stamps are inserted into MPEG2 packets during the encoding and multiplexing process to make better use of networking resources.
VOICE OVER ATM VBR–RT connections is used over ATM which uses silence period. Various dynamic compression techniques are used to free bandwidth and alleviate congestion A further enhancement is to support voice switching over SVCs which interprets PBX (private branch exchange) signaling and routing voice calls to the appropriate destination PBX
NETWORK TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT objectives :To deliver quality-of-service (QoS) for multimedia applications and provide overall optimization of network resources. categorized into three distinct elements nodal-level controls that operate in real time network-level controls operate in near real time network engineering capabilities operating in non real time
ATM AND IP INTERWORKING ATM and IP offer: Scalability, traffic engineering, service differentiation, high availability, value-added applications such as Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) Some specifications of ATM and IP Multi-Protocol over ATM (MPOA) as addition to LAN Emulation (LANE) Additions to ATM's superior routing protocol PNNI adoption of Frame-based ATM over Sonet/SDH (FAST)
CONCLUSION ATM technology is the only technology that can guarantee a certain and predefined quality of service. The growth of the Internet, need for broadband access and e-commerce are spurring the need for a reliable, flexible, scalable, predictable, versatile transport system and that is given by ATM Technology. For voice, video, data and images together, the next generation network depends on ATM.