15 Lab: Paper Planes-experimental Reminders: September 15 Warm - Up: Identify IV & DV Today’s Agenda: 1. Identify IV & DV (experimental plane) 2. Write Problem Statement & Hypothesis 2. Collect data-experimental plane Homework: write lab report (due Friday, 9/19-test grade) Reminders:
21. If we increase the length of the pendulum, the number of swings will decrease. IV = ____________________ DV = ___________________
22. Factors that are kept the same in an experiment are referred to as __________________________. (control, hypothesis, constants) 23. The experiment that lacks the independent variable is called the ___________. (conclusion, control, reserach)
Paper Planes
Problem: How do I create a paper airplane that flies further than the control paper airplane?
Hypothesis: If I change the ________________________, then the plane will travel further.
Experiment: Materials: 2 pieces of copy paper meterstick colored pencils __________
Experiment: Procedures: -write the step-by-step instructions to make control plane and test it. -write the step-by-step instructions to make experimental plane and test it.
Experiment (identify variables): Independent variable: ___________________ Dependent variable: ____________________ Constants: size of the paper, type of paper, force used to launch plane, starting point, angle of release Control: airplane with no modifications/changes
Observations: Copy data from both data tables. Graph data using a line graph: - put 10 trials on x-axis - put distance (m) on y-axis -use different colors for control and experimental plane -make a key for control and experimental plane Analyze/study your data.
Conclusion: (1-2 paragraphs) --Restate your problem. --Was your hypothesis supported or rejected by your data? --Use you data to support/explain what you learned. --could you of done anything better? --did you make any mistakes coolecting you data?
DUE: Friday, September 19 (test grade)