High-Pressure/High-Temperature (HP/HT): University of Aberdeen: School of Geosciences – Geology & Petroleum Geology School of Engineering – Scottish Offshore Materials Centre OceanLab High-Pressure/High-Temperature (HP/HT): Reservoirs with pressures and temperatures deemed higher than what was considered typical in the past are now frequent targets for exploration and development. However, temperature and pressure affect the physical strength, electronic function, sealing technology and chemical reaction of a technology or process. This imposes very real limitations on much of the technology currently available to help develop these reservoirs. Source: Halliburton Dr David Healy d.healy@abdn.ac.uk +44 (0)1224 273850 Source: Schlumberger
Services we can offer: Cutting edge research involving the stress testing of rock samples (core plugs) at confining pressures up to 250 MPa (about 8-10 km depth) and temperatures up to 200 C, saturated with ‘aggressive’ pore fluids (e.g. hot, acidic) with the simultaneous measurement of strength, permeability, pore volume changes, acoustic emissions, P-wave and S-wave velocities. Application & Innovation: Reservoir, caprock and cement characterisation at realistic conditions of stress, pressure, temperature and fluid composition. Calibrating numerical predictive models of rock and cement behaviour at these temperatures and pressures with experimental data. Exploring coupled behaviour among geomechanical, petrophysical and compositional (rock, fluid) properties.