Perspectives of Antiproton and Antikaon Physics pbar Paul Kienle Stefan Meyer Institut/ÖAW Wien and TU München Proc. LEAP 05 , AIP publication 2005 P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Case Studies: Y(4260) X(3872) Z(3930) X(3940) Y(3940). . . Some Selected Topics Antiprotons for Charm Physics Kaonic Nuclear Clusters – Production with Antiproton Annihilation Mesons and Antiprotons in Nuclear Media Anti Deuteron Beams for Charm in Nuclei? Can we breed Anti Helium? Fundamental Symmetries and Antihydrogen Case Studies: Y(4260) X(3872) Z(3930) X(3940) Y(3940). . . P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Antiprotons for Charm Physics P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Spectroscopy of Charmonium States Measurement of the total width and all branching widths of the charmonium states Determination of the transition probabilities Deduction of the wave functions of the states Access to non-perturbative and thus confinement effects Needs advanced QFT treatment (Weise et al.) Such a program was proposed by Bertold Stech ~ for the bottomonium system to search for non-perturbative effects. It looks even more promising for charmonium. Who does it ??? P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
HESR b Minimize circumference 2. Electron cooler is essentia P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Structures to be Discovered P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Case Study: Y(4260) P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Strategies P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
PANDA @ FAIR vs. e+e- P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
X(3872) an Other Case? P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
X(3872) a Molecule !? P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Z(3930) Case P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
2 3P0 Charmonium P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Kaonic Nuclear Clusters Production with pbar Annihilation P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Strangeness and Charm in Nuclei Discovery of strange tribaryon: ppnK-, pnnK- with binding energies of about 200 MeV and Γ< 20 MeV Work in progress to search for predicted high density of these kaonic nuclear clusters with <ρ>~ 3ρ(0) Production of kaonic nuclear clusters by antiproton absorption, including transfer of 2 antikaons to produce high density matter kaon condensation ? New form of fermionic matter ??? The creation of charmed bound nuclear matter {D+n} is a real challenge. Anti-deuteron annihilation ??? Subthreshold antiproton annihilation ??? P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
3He K-ppn (0)=0.14 r(0)~1.5 B = 20 MeV B ~118 MeV Single-K- Double-K- Dote et al. 2002 3He K-ppn (0)=0.14 r(0)~1.5 B = 20 MeV B ~118 MeV K-K-ppn r(0)~3.0 B ~221 MeV P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Summary of the Search for Deeply Bound Kaonic States P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Exclusive Experiments-Formation and Decay P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
K-(3He,n) ppK- @ JPARC P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
K- Potential and ppnK- Bound State Experimental result 4He(stopped K-, n) ppnK- BK ~ 173 MeV, GK ~ 25 MeV Predicted (Akaishi 2002) BKth ~127 MeV , GK ~ 30 MeV How are these potentials calculated?KN interaction consistent with the predictions of chiral SU(3) lagrangian Bound nuclear state Small width High density ~3n P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Fast Pion Triggered Neutron Momentum Spectra with Various Conditions Preliminary 10MeVee threshold L-arm 10MeVee threshold only 10MeVee threshold with software veto 10MeVee threshold L-arm with software veto P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Ni-Ni Collisions @ 1.9A GeV (FOPI) Λ-d Correlation from ppn K- (?) N. Herrmann, Proc. EXA 05, Vienna 2005 M > M(KEK) > (KEK) Origin:Collision effects? P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Ni (2003) – Al (2005)- Λp Correlation (ppK-)? A Comparison Ni+Ni alignment of reaction plane alignment of L direction Al+Al alignment of reaction plane alignment of L direction Minv (L+p) (GeV) Peak position not stable! Reflection of other resonances? Work in progress … P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Λp Invariant Mass Spectrum from 3.5 GeV pC collisions P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
p Correlations in 3.5 GeV pC Collissions P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Antikaons in Nuclei by Antiproton Annihilation Production of ppK- cluster by the annihilation of the n in 3He and creation of a K- K0 pair Missing mass spectroscopy of K0 + + - Invariant mass of ppK- Λ + p decay Exclusive formation and decay measurement in a 4-detector allowing K0 and Λ reconstruction P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Double Antikaon Production in Nuclei by Antiproton Annihilation The process: The cross section: The kinematics Double kaon production in nuclei: With the binding energy exceeding ~ 225 MeV, double kaonic nuclei can be produced even by stopped antiprotons. P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Kaon Energy Correlation and Decay Density Distribution for BKK=0.4GeV P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Maximum Energy and Momentum of K+ as Function of the Binding Energy BKK P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Strangeness Exchange Reaction P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Mesons and Antiprotons in Nuclear Media P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Mesons in Nuclear Media Hayashigaki PLB 487 (2000) 96 Morath, lee Weise A.Sibirtsev et al. Eur .Phys.J A6 (1999) 351 P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Subthreshold Production of D Mesons P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Antiprotons Bound in Nuclei I.N.Mishustin, L.M.Saturov, Th.Bürvenich, H.Stöcker, W.Greiner, Phys.Rev, C 71, 035201 (2005) and references shown there. Exact G-Parity Symmetry predicts very deep potential: -V-S ~ -650 MeV However G-Parity is violated on the mean field level Calculations using „weak G-parity, and rearrangement of nuclear structure by the strong attraction of a real antiproton B ~ 1 GeV !, ~ 9-23 MeV, P~ 10-5 – 10-6 HESR:10-100 s-1 P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Knock-out Reaction for pbar-Nucleus Boundstates Search Quasi-free scatt. Aslanides et al, Nucl. Phys. A470,445 (1987) New experiment at a pbar storage ring with internal target ? P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Anti Lambda in Nuclei P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Antideuterons P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Antideuteron Breeder Scheme FAIR LOI by Kilian et al. P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Production of Antideuterons in Antiproton Rings Proposal 1982 AIC @ GSI P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Can we Breed Anti 3He and More ? In principle „Yes“ using the continuation of the breeding process using the anti protons colliding with antideuterons P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Fundamental Symmetries and Antihydrogen P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
The Holy Grail of Symmetry Tests Y.Yamaguchi; Prog. Th. Phys. 111 (2004) 545, „Riemannian QFT“ breaks Lorentz invariance, but not CPT Lorentz invariance tests are asked for! P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Antihydrogen 1s-2s (c2-c1) Transition P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Hyperfine Structure Test P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Trapped Antihydrogen Population of n-States Temperature Measurement indicate T ~ 2400 K Needed for trapping T ~ 0.5 K ρ mostly above 0.1 µm n > 15 P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Hyperfine Structure of Antihydrogen Accuracy of hydrogen hyperfine structure: 2mHz Improvement:Sextupole race track storage ring,like NESTOR (W.Paul and U.Trinks) P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Sextupole Toroidal Racetrack Storage Ring for Hyperfine Structure Studies of Antihydrogen Equilibrium condition of antihydrogen with magnetic moment μ on a circular orbit with radius ρs in a toroidal sextupole field with magnetic field gradient ∂B/∂rlρs: With the parameters of the NESTOR storage ring, ρ= 0.5 m, B=3.2 T and ∂B/∂r = 1.2 T/cm one can store antihydrogen with v= 600 m/s or equivalent to a temperature of 21 K (!!!) which is easier to produce than required for standard traps. P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Sketch of a Lay out of a Sextupole Storage Ring for Antihydrogen HFS Studies P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Dibaryon ppK- p Decay (FINUDA) fit region (detector resolution : 10 MeV/c2 FWHM) A.N.Ivanov et al, arXiv:nucl-th/0512037 v1 (2005) B= -119 MeV; = 31 MeV; ~ 0.26 fm-3 [Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 212303 (2005)] P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006
Density distribution of K nuclear clusters by observing the momentum correlation in their 3-body decay products (P. Kienle, Y. Akaishi, T. Yamazaki Phys. Lett. B 632 (2006) 187) K-ppn + p + n 3-body decay correlation techniques may be also applied to study the structure of exotics P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006 JZ / Nov. 29, 2005
Antiprotons in Nuclei P. Kienle ECT* Antiproton Workshop 03.07.2006