Levels of Measurement 20.03.2017
Levels of Measurement
Nominal Represent the most elementary level of measurement in which values are assigned to an object for identification or classification purposes only. Student ID Yes-No Male-Female Buy-Did Not Buy East-West-South-North
Ordinal Ordinal scale is ranking scale. Ranking scales allowing things to be arranged based on how much of some concepts they possess. Student Class Rank Please rank your three favorite movies. Level of Education Rank your preferences (1- the least preferred, 5- the most preferred)
Interval Interval scales have both nominal and ordinal properties, but they also capture information about differences in quantities of a concept. Temperature June 6 was 80 F December 7 was 40 F Points given on an essay question
Ratio Represent the highest form of measurement in that they have all the properties of interval scales with the additional attribute of representing absolute quantities; characterized by a meaningful absolute zero. Zero, therefore, has meaning in that it represents an absence of some concept. An absolute zero is the defining characteristics differentiating between ratio and interval scales. Money Height Weight
Facts About the Four Levels of Scales