Project ACE Multiplier events: E1 (stakeholders and policy makers in the sphere of education) E2 (adult educators practitioners) This project has been funded with support the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
The Aim to present intellectual outputs produced within the project and motivate adult educators to apply them in practice working with disadvantaged learners in promoting LSE.
Event participant’s package Informational leaflet Event evaluation form A few pages for taking notes A pen A certificate
Event organization Welcome coffee Presentations of the project idea, the partnership, the project e-platform and the Curriculum (30 min.) Presentation of the Self-assessment test on-line ( (15-20 min.) Presentations of Modules I-V (using PPT) (1,5 hours) Presentation of the Guidelines (10 min.) Lunch Workshop – recommendations for the final declaration (20 min.) Presentation of the recommendations (10 min). Evaluation of the event Certification Farewell coffee Total duration 4-5 hours
Self-assessment test on Kahoot
Success stories
Recommendations for the declaration
Recommendations How to draw politicians’ attention to the necessity of constantly developing adult educators-practitioners’ competences? How to include the LSE training course into the life-long learning programs at national and regional levels. How to increase the participation of adult learners from disadvantaged backgrounds and with fewer opportunities into life-long learning and improve their employability situation? How to foster collaboration among adult learners, adult education centers, vocational training schools, communities, local governments and social partners (libraries, labor exchange offices, non-governmental organizations, small and medium-sized enterprises) in order to improve the quality of adult education services provided to adult learners from disadvantaged backgrounds and with fewer opportunities?
Recommendations UK will summarize the evaluation of E1 and in partner countries and the partners’ suggestions for the declaration. BG will summarize the evaluation of E2 in partner countries and the partners’ suggestions for the declaration. LT1 is responsible for the final version of the declaration.
Documentation of ME List of participants Pictures (E1 – 15 people) (E2-20 people) per partner organisation Pictures Dissemination article (please provide a link) Invoices Summary of evaluation Recommendations for the final decaration (see decisions)
List of participants
Multiplier events on the webpage