KINGSTON UNIVERSITY Agenda About Us Student Support Services Attendance Policy Fee Protection Scheme Refund, Withdrawal, Transfer Policy Assessment Criteria Academic Misconduct Canvas Honors Classification Graduation
Welcome to Aventis School of Management Our Vision We aim to be the leading provider of quality education in Singapore Our Mission We recognize the significance of human capital development and are committed to uphold the quality of teaching, learning and service to all our students
Our Organization Values Professionalism Integrity Customer Care Communication Commitment
Our Commitment to You Your Student Care Executive Ms Priscilla Chan Email: studentservices@aventisglobal.edu.sg Telephone: 6822 8596 Response Time / Working Hours Within 3 working days 9am – 6pm (Monday to Friday)
Class Schedule Each module – once a week, please refer to study schedule 12 evening lessons from 7.00pm to 10.00pm A copy of the latest updated class schedule can be downloaded from our website: http://asm.edu.sg/resources/
Class Attendance Arrive promptly for classes Contribute to class discussion 75% overall attendance required Students are required to sign-in and sign-out on the attendance register
Absences for Class Unable to attend class? Submit ‘Leave Application Form’ to the student service at studentservices@aventisglobal.edu.sg Following are the approved leave of absence by the School: MC must be submitted within 3 working days of your return. A copy of the leave application form can be downloaded at Aventis website: http://asm.edu.sg/resources/
Aventis Sch of Mgmt PL STFA (ESCROW) School Fees Please refer to your Student-PEI contract on your school fees Escrow Account – Students will need to make their school fees to Aventis’ DBS Escrow Account ESCROW Account Name: Aventis Sch of Mgmt PL STFA (ESCROW) ESCROW Account No : 003-944068-5
School Fees
School Fees
Refund, Withdraw, Transfer Policy % of [the aggregate amount of the fees paid under Schedule B of the Student Contract] If Student’s written notice of withdrawal is received [100%] Refer to PEI-Student Contract Clause 2.1 [85%] (“Maximum Refund”) More than [60] days before the Course Commencement Date [70%] Before, but not more than [60] days before the course commencement date [30%] Before, but not more than [14] days before the course commencement date [10%] Before, but not more than [7] days before the course commencement date [0%] On or after the Course Commencement Date Withdrawal Student must inform Aventis by completing Aventis “Withdrawal and Refund Request Form” and the respective University’s Withdrawal Form together with all supporting documents for processing the withdrawal request Student will be informed of the outcome, within four (4) weeks from the receipt of the withdrawal application http://asm.edu.sg/student-policy-for-edp/
Student Feedback and Grievances In the event that you have any feedback/concerns/issues, please contact Student Services via email at studentservices@aventisglobal.edu.sg We will investigate and resolve the areas of concern within 21 working days, depending on the complexity of the case. If a student is not satisfied with the outcome of the resolution process, we may refer the matter concerned to the CPE Mediation-Arbitration Scheme. For more details, please visit https://www.cpe.gov.sg/student-services/dispute-resolution
Online Evaluation Form Week 6 and Week 12 Link will be provided to student via email for the online evaluation Login is not required, hence response will remain strictly anonymous.
Pre-Course Counselling Survey https://goo.gl/jKe8cB
Canvas Initial Setup UserID and dummy password issued by Kingston University Follow instructions in the email and create your student account You should be able to login to Canvas 1 week after the successful of Stage 1 enrolment *Please send an email to student service officer if you encounter any issue in completing the above
Course Materials The module handbook and course materials will be uploaded to Canvas at the start of class You are advised to read through the materials before each class
Type of Assessments Individual Assignment Group Assignment Class Presentation Test (Quizzes / In-class Test / Online Test)
Assessment Methods* BA (Hons) Business Management (top up) Credit Points: Assessment Methods: BS6701 – Innovation 30 10% class presentation, 40% individual assignment (1.5k words) & 50% team assignment (3k words) BS6100 – Strategic Management 30% group case study assignment (2.5k words), 60% individual assignment (3k words), 10% online test (MCQs) BH6010 – Leading and Change 50% individual assignment BH6006 – Organisational Learning & Development 30% team case study (3k words) & 70% individual assignment (3k words) *Subjected to Change
Assessment Methods* BA (Hons) HR Management (top up) Credit Points: BS6701 – Innovation 30 10% class presentation, 40% individual assignment (1.5k words) & 50% team assignment (3k words) BH6201 – Strategic HR Management 50% In-class test 20% Group presentation & 30% Reflective report BH6008 – Regulating Employment Relationship 30% Individual Essay & 70% Case study exam BH6006 – Organisational Learning & Development 30% team case study (3k words) & 70% individual assignment (3k words) *Subjected to Change
Submission of Work for Assessment Assignment deadline is clearly stated in the module handbook Assignments which are submitted late but within 7 days of the submission deadline will be capped at 40% Assignments submitted after 7 days will be treated as non-submissions and given a mark of 0% All assignment must be correctly referenced using the Harvard referencing system
Grading System To pass a module you need to achieve at least 40% overall Any module that is retaken or repeated, will be capped at 40% (re-module/assignment referral fee applies) * Please note, there is no 7-day grace period for retake assessments.
Academic Misconduct Taking unauthorised materials into the exam hall Unauthorised communication during an examination Plagiarism (copy contents, ideas from another textbook, author with giving due credit) < 20% Ghost Writer
Deferment Policy and Procedure Processing fee of $214.00 with duly completed form is required Request should be submitted at least 2 weeks before the commencement of the term/semester Approval for deferment will be reviewed and granted by the university. The review process will not take more than four (4) weeks. Students are allowed to defer only once up to the maximum period of one year Return to Study form shall be submitted to the Student Service Department at least 1 month prior to term/semester start date http://asm.edu.sg/student-policy-for-edp/
Honors Classification KINGSTON UNIVERSITY Honors Classification An overall result of 70% - 100% First Class honors An overall result of 60% - 69% Upper Second Class honors An overall result of 50% - 59% Lower Second Class honors An overall result of 40% - 49% Third Class honors An overall result below 40% Fail
KINGSTON UNIVERSITY Degree Scroll Transcript
Friends-Refer-Friends Referral Scheme The referred student must be a first-time applicant who neither had applied nor had studied in any Aventis course before Referral fee will only be paid out within a month from course commencement date of the referral, subject to referral meeting the minimum attendance requirement and full payment of the first instalment of the programme http://asm.edu.sg/refer-a-friend-and-get-rewarded/
Dropbox Link Kingston BABM - https://goo.gl/tzxquF Kingston BAHRM - https://goo.gl/8YtW3a