The Internal Energy of Earth 1
Main ideas Geothermal energy comes from the interior of Earth. The internal energy is the base of formation process of terrestrial relief. Geothermal energy is very badly exploitated nowadays.
The Internal Energy of Earth How to exploit it What is it? Origen How it happens 3
What is the Internal Energy of Earth? It is the internal heat that our planet has since its creation. It originates, among others, the surface genesys relief. 4
Origen The earth was formed about 4600 million years ago. It was a glowing mass against which celestial bodies colliding . The collision of that bodies raised the temperature In addition, the heat increased due to disintegration of radioactive atoms Later, the earth cooled and formed the different layers of the earth. 5
How it Happens Several ways: Earthquakes Volcans. Geysers. Plate Tectonics Genesys of rocks 6
Earthquakes Sudden release of energy caused by the clash between 2 plates. The place where it occurs is called the hypocenter. The location of the land area closest to the hypocenter is called the epicenter.
The hypocenter released seismic waves that can be of several types: P or primary waves, the firstto spread. Longitudinal movement. Secondary or S waves, are second to propagate. Perpendicular motion. Surface waves. Longitudinal and perpendicular.The most destructive. L or Love Waves Rayleigh Waves. 8
The magnitude is the amount of energy liberated in the earthquake. The earthquakes are measured with machines called seismograph, and their graphs are called seismograms. The magnitude is the amount of energy liberated in the earthquake. The magnitude is measured according to Richter scale (1-10). The intensity is the effects which the earthquake produces. Different scales measure it (Mercalli, MSK...). 9
The 5 major earthquakes of the last century are: Valdivia (Chile), 1960. 9,5 on Richter scale. Sumatra (Indonesia), 2004. 9,3 on Richter scale. Alaska, 1964. 9,2 on Richter scale. Kamchatka (Rusia), 1952. on Richter scale. Chile, 2010. 8,8 on Richter scale. 10
Plate Tectonics The surface of the Earth is divided into plates. The Plates float on the mantle and move by convection currents. Convection currents: Warming Ascension Cooling Decrease 11
The continents were not always separated. There was a supercontinent called Pangea.
According to the theory of plate tectonics, Pangaea was splitting up to stay in the world as we know today. This theory was first formulated by Alfred Wegener (continental drift theory). 13
Wegener provided evidences in his theory: Geographic: the edges of the continents fit. Paleontologic: there are fossils in both sides of the ocean of animals who aren´t able to cross it. Geologic and tectonic: if we match the continents we saw a physical continuity in the stones type, cronology and chain of mountains. Paleoclimatic: there are present areas with different climates with regard to the ones of their past. 14
Volcanoes This consists on cracks on the Earth’s surface where the magma, which comes from the interior of the Earth, goes up. This magma contains incandescent materials at a high temperature. The volcano can be on the Earth’s surface or under the oceans and seas.
Volcano Formation Basically, the volcanoes formation is due to a rise of the magma through the fractures in the Earth surface. This formation is produced by: Divergent plates Subduction zones Hot spots
Divergent plates When two oceanic plates move away, the magma rises, and when it gets in touch with the water, it gets cold and it solidifies.
Subduction zones When an oceanic or continental plate slides under other continental plate, it causes the rising of the magma through the crack between both plates.
Hot spots Inside the Earth there is a point which forces the way out to the surface. The magma rises in the same place but in different times. As the Earth surface is moving, the magma goes out in different places each time.
Rock Types Igneous or Magmatic Rocks: They are formed when the magma goes out to the surface.
Sedimentary Rocks: They are in the sedimentary basins, and they come from other rocks that have suffered the action of geological external processes.
Metamorphic Rocks: They originate from the transformation of other rocks, due to the high pressure and temperature.
Exploitation The inner power of earth allows the generation of Geothermal energy. It is based on the exploitation of the water that is a high temperature.
The bigger temperature, the bigger performance: If water extracted reaches 100ºC, it can be used for heating. From 300º C it can be used to generate electricity. The next step will be to exploit the own magma: more power and more performance (current studies in volcano Krafla).
Italy was pioneer in the exploitation of this kind of energy, but Iceland is the best example of performance and use: It generates 1/3 of electric power and 95% of heating and hot water. Since 1960, the power supply network covers all houses. Curiosity: there are no chims in iceland. Other advanced countries: Greece, Turkey, Japan, USA, Mexico and Italy.
The End Diego Burgos Roberto de la Calle