Creative Writing 1 January 27, 28. 29, 30, 31
BELL, 1/27 Bell – Go to APP store, download POETRY app by Poetry Foundation. Once loaded, choose a few poems to read. Write in reading log when time is called.
BELL, 1/28 Bell – go to Safari and quickly research blackout poems. Once you understand the process, collect a copy of The Gettysburg Address and create your own blackout poem. Mount on construction paper. Place on top of IN tray.
BELL, 1/29 – LATE START Bell – play Popword. Keep track of your high score. A prize will be awarded!
BELL, 1/30 Little Story Maker Go to the APP store, download the APP Bell – Read poetry of your choosing. Write in reading log when time is called.
BELL, 1/31 Bell – snap and write You will be given ten minutes to walk about the school and take pictures that inspire your inner writer. Upon returning to the room, complete a quick write of your choice using the photo you took as your inspiration. Upload the photo and your written piece and share with me on google drive at
Week 4: Today, you will… CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.11-12.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience by writing poetry in adherence to format.
January 27 Discuss mood and tone… Importance of word choice, punctuation, and line length
January 27 Finish up your Song – Poem assignent. Reread. Are you satisfied? Publish to figment by today. Song into poetry. Use the song you identified as being symbolic of you and create an original poem. Minimum of 15 lines. No other rules apply other than it must incorporate at least three ‘snippets’ from the song, be about your, and focus on the like qualities between the two. Cite the song you use.
Week 4: Poetry Unit Use time wisely to write and revise seven poems. PUBLISHED copies are to be posted on as one document on February 6. Remember to title each poem. Write a brief synopsis of each poem explaining the type of poem and its focus.
Week 4: Poetry Unit Hand out unit parameters. deadline: February 6 – PUBLISH DATE Links have been saved to website.
1/27: Rework Poem Reread. Are you satisfied? Publish to figment by Monday. Song into poetry. Use the song you identified as being symbolic of you and create an original poem. Minimum of 15 lines. No other rules apply other than it must incorporate at least three ‘snippets’ from the song, be about your, and focus on the like qualities between the two.