5.6 Detox For Contaminated Land Erin, Tati, Laura, Rachel, Mackenzie, Jacob, Isaac
What is Contaminated Land? Contains hazardous substances in sufficient concentrations Process of treating contaminated land/water is called remediation There are 10,000 contaminated sites in Canada
What is Contaminated Land? Remediation: the process of treating contaminated land or water so that it is safe for use again Remediation differs from total cleanup because depending on location and use, total cleanup is not always necessary.
Remediation Strategies Do nothing, and block off/restrict the land use in area. Cover the contaminated soil. Excavate the area and replace the soil. Treat soil at the site or offsite. Remediation can be physical, chemical, or biological. Depending on what the site will become some sites need more or stronger remediation
Physical: Flushing out contaminents with fluid from the soil. Types of remediation Physical: Flushing out contaminents with fluid from the soil.
Types of remediation Chemical remidiation: Stabilization or solidification, chemical oxidization & electrolysis. Stabilization/Solidification: Chemical reactions are used to convert contaminants into safe form. Bases precipitate strong metal/acidic ions. Can use cement to « lock » the contamints in the ground
Types of remediation Electrolysis: Uses electrical conductors to remove toxic metal ions in groundwater. Metals in the ground are attracted to the negitive electrode in order to rempve it from the ground Chemical Oxidation: Chemical reactions convert contaminated substances. Can be organic, ionic, or metal compounds. Drills/augers work chemicals into the ground.
Bioremediation & Phytoremidiation Bioremediation: The process of using living organisms (micro-organisms) to treat contaminated land or water. Expensive, intensive, and disruptive. Not always effective. Phytoremediation: Using plants to treat contaminated land or water. Hyper accumulaters can absorb 1% of their mass in metals Some micro-organisms have even been known to decompose oil