Human Issues, Impacts, & Solutions I
Issue: Invasive Species
Possible Solutions: Pay attention to bioindicators Species that are sensitive to change Show early warning signals of environmental problems
Issue: Biomagnification
Possible Solutions Banning of toxic pollutants (worst ones have already been banned, like DDT) Regulate or even eliminate processes that create toxins (ex. Burning Coal)
(a) In 1991, before restoration Figure 55.17 Figure 55.17 A gravel and clay mine site in New Jersey before and after restoration. (a) In 1991, before restoration (b) In 2000, near the completion of restoration 6
Concentration of soluble uranium (M) Figure 55.18 6 5 4 3 2 1 Concentration of soluble uranium (M) Figure 55.18 Bioremediation of groundwater contaminated with uranium at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee. 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Days after adding ethanol 7
Bioremediation is the use of living organisms to detoxify ecosystems - The organisms most often used are prokaryotes, fungi, or plants Biological augmentation uses organisms to add essential materials to a degraded ecosystem
Issue: Habitat Loss
Possible Solutions: Conservation Biology: identify, protect, and maintain areas at risk. Restoration Biology: rebuilding damaged ecosystems Ecotourism: educates travelers about ecosystem while raising funds for conservation Artificial corridors promote dispersal and help sustain populations
Issue: Climate Change
Possible Solutions Eliminate the burning of fossil fuels Difficult because fossil fuels make much of our daily activity possible Carpool or use public transportation! Buy local Making products burns fossil fuels. Transportation burns fossil fuels. Going to the store to shop burns fossil fuels. Wind Power, Solar Power, Hydropower?
Issue: Ozone Layer
Possible Solutions Ban on use of CFC products such as propellants and coolants Limit use of air conditioners when possible
Issue: Acid Rain
Possible Solutions Again, reduce/eliminate use of fossil fuels! Liming: (expensive) process that adds limestone to acidic lakes to “cancel out” acidity - Short term solution
Issue: Ocean Pollution
Possible Solutions PREVENTION Use biodegradable products Watch where you throw away/recycle your plastics