16.1-2 Microbial Ecology
16.1 Microbes & Ecosystem Niches Microbes live in all parts of the biosphere 100,000,000 times more microbes than observable stars Microbes have a huge impact upon Ecology. No Microbes = No Life Photosynthesis, production, decomposition, fixation, bioremediation and biotechnology Each microbial species occupies a unique niche Chemoautotrophs, chemoheterotrophs, photoautotrophs, photoheterotrophs and others. Microbiology 16.1 Microbial Ecology
16.1 Organization of Ecosystems Microbes are critical at all trophic levels as producers, consumers and decomposers. Microbiology 16.1 Microbial Ecology
16.1 Microbes in the Biogeochemical Cycles Microbes convert energy and matter from one form to another so that other organisms can get the energy and nutrients they need to survive. Microbiology 16.1 Microbial Ecology
Microbiology 16.1 Microbial Ecology
Microbiology 16.1 Microbial Ecology
Microbiology 16.1 Microbial Ecology
Microbiology 13.1 Microbial Ecology
Microbiology 16.1 Microbial Ecology
16.2 Soil Composition The composition of the soil determines how much organic matter it can produce. Microbes make up about 1% of the soil. Microbes convert and release nutrients which can then be absorbed and used by other organisms. Microbiology 16.2 Soil & Plant Microbiology
16.2 Physical Properties of Soil There are distinct layers or horizons: O horizon-topsoil A horizon-organic/inorganic mixture B horizon-subsoil C horizon-soil base Bedrock-below C horizon Microbiology 16.2 Soil & Plant Microbiology
16.2 Mycorrhiza Symbiotic association between a fungus and the roots of vascular plants. Release minerals from the soil so that they can then be absorbed by plants Microbiology 16.2 Soil & Plant Microbiology
16.2 Wetland Soils Most biologically diverse. Anaerobic Processes Denitrification-Nitrogen Sulfate reduction- Hydrogen Sulfide Methanogenesis-Methane Microbiology 16.2 Soil & Plant Microbiology
16.2 Endophytes & Plants Mutualistic microbe found in all plants. Protect from disease Produce chemicals that inhibit the growth of competitors Increase plant growth Help plants survive heat and drought Microbiology 16.2 Soil & Plant Microbiology
16.2 Plant Pathogens Four Factors: Cell wall degrading enzymes Toxins Phytohormones Effector proteins Microbiology 16.2 Soil & Plant Microbiology
16.2 Nitrogen Fixation 78% of atmosphere is Nitrogen (N2) but cannot be used by plants or animals. Nitrogen fixing bacteria in a symbiotic relationships in certain types of plant roots nodules (legumes) can convert N2 into compounds which the plants can use. Microbiology 16.2 Soil & Plant Microbiology