WStore Programmer Guide Accounting and pay-per-use integration
Accounting and pay-per-use integration WStore Programmer Guide Accounting and pay-per-use integration
Accounting and Pay-Per-Use integration If a service provider wants to provide a service under a pay-per-use pricing model, it is necessary to develop some modules in charge of providing accounting info to WStore in order to allow it to perform the charging process. To perform the accounting process, the service provider must have received the purchase notification as defined in the previous section since the offering, the customer, and the reference are required. The accounting request is defined as follows: POST /api/contracting/{reference}/accounting HTTP 1.1 Content-Type: application/json { “offering”: { “name”: “offering_name” “version”: “1.0” “organization”: “organization” }, "component_label": "issues", “customer”: “test_user”, “correlation_number”: “1”, “time_stamp”: “2013-07-01T10:00:00-0”, “record_type”: “event”, “value”: “1”, “unit”: “issue” }