Oscar o´FLAHERTIE WILLS WILDE Miriam and Duna 4ºB
Oscar wilde´s life Born in 16th October 1854. Dublin, Ireland. Dies 30th November 1900. Paris, France. (Age 46) Playwright, novelist, essayist and poet. Wilde´s parents were succesful Anglo-Irish intellectuals. Was educated in Trinity College and in Oxford. He married Constance Lloyd in 1884. Had two sons. He had an affair with Lord Alfred Douglas. So he was accused as Homosexual. His reputation was ruined, his wife took her sons and left him. They went to Switzerland. Oscar spent the rest of his life on Europe.
Main works The most famous: The Canterville Ghost, The happy prince, The picture of Dorian Grey and Salomé. - Ghost of Sir Simon - Hiram B. Otis and his family
Style Extraordinary fantasy and extreme taste of beauty Realism Use a lot of paradox and free indirect style
Relevance He endured an stigma Great social critic A big influencer in spanish literature
Bibliography Novels: The picture of Dorian Grey. Essays: The decay of Lying. Pen, Pencil and Poison First. The Soul of Man under Socialism. The Critic as Artist. De Profundis. Short stories: The Canterville Ghost.The Portrait of Mr. W. H. Poems: The Ballad of Reading Gaol.Poems in Prose. Plays: Vera; or, The Nihilists.The Duchess of Padua. Lady Windermere's Fan.A Florentine Tragedy. A Woman of No Importance.Salome. La Sainte Courtisane.An Ideal Husband. The Importance of Being Earnest.
Citations “Oscar Wilde” http://www.epdlp.com/escritor.php?id=2437 “Oscar Wilde Bibliography” http://www.wilde- online.info/works.htm “Libros: Resumen de El Fantasma de Ca…” http://www.elresumen.com/libros/el_fantasma_de_canterville.h tm “BBC – History –” http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/wilde_oscar.shtm l “Estilo” http://oscarwilde54.blogspot.com.es/p/estilo_04.html