Experience from Finland on early detection and brief intervention for combating alcohol problems Ms Leena Heljälä, Researcher, Project Coordinator 15 November 2007, Vilnius, Lithuania
Alcohol use, working men (Work and health in Finland 2006, FIOH) Experience from Finland / FIOH / Leena Heljälä / 15.11.2007
Alcohol use, working women (Work and health in Finland 2006, FIOH) Experience from Finland / FIOH / Leena Heljälä / 15.11.2007
Occupational Health Services (OHS) in Finland 750 OHS units 2600 nurses and 2600 physicians OHS covers 1,82 million employees 3,5 million visits /year 680 000 health checks 2,87 million other visits Experience from Finland / FIOH / Leena Heljälä / 15.11.2007
Brief Intervention Project in OHS 2004-2007 Brief Intervention Project in OHS started in 2004, and the project is targeted at the entire OHS personnel Chief Physician Martti Kuokkanen, Project Coordinator Leena Heljälä, Researcher Hanna Jurvansuu The objective is to increase brief interventions in occupational health settings c 200 OHS units and more than 2200 OH doctors and OH nurses trained in 2005-2007 seminars, articles for OHS professionals, interviews to press and radio, www-pages in Finnish cooperation with VAMP Project, Kaija Seppä, Mauri Aalto, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health Experience from Finland / FIOH / Leena Heljälä / 15.11.2007
Guidebook for OHS to identify and counsel hazardous drinkers "Brief alcohol intervention in occupational health services" (English version coming 12/2007) Drinking Diary Anderson, Gual, Colom (2005). Alcohol and Primary Health Care: Clinical Guidelines of Identification and Brief Interventions. Summary published in Finnish 2006 Experience from Finland / FIOH / Leena Heljälä / 15.11.2007
OHS in Finland 2004 A half of all Finnish OHS units had carried out brief alcohol interventions However, the number of interventions (7100) was very small compared to all visits in OHS (3,5 mill.) In practice there probably is more activity in EIBI, but it is not registered Increase in screening (AUDIT) in OHS would help finding hazardous drinkers and lead to giving more brief interventions Experience from Finland / FIOH / Leena Heljälä / 15.11.2007
Towards early identification in OHS It seems that in 2004 the focus in OHS was too much on treating alcohol problems instead on early identification and brief intervention Increase in screening (AUDIT) in OHS would help finding hazardous drinkers => more brief interventions => less harms in the workplace OHS could easily direct more towards primary prevention, both in health checks and other visits at OH nurses and OH doctors OHS could also screen entire workplaces and then assess the need for preventive work in each workplace Experience from Finland / FIOH / Leena Heljälä / 15.11.2007
Alcohol and Occupational Health Project 2007-2010 Research and development project 'Alcohol and Occupational Health' Basis: the needs of workplaces and OHS; their wishes for support and co-operation in their work to prevent alcohol-related problems at workplaces Aim: to promote occupational health by preventing alcohol abuse Funding: The Social Insurance Institution of Finland, Government Work Safety Fund, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health Experience from Finland / FIOH / Leena Heljälä / 15.11.2007
Alcohol and Occupational Health Project Research on co-operation needs and opportunities to develop a model for early intervention in the workplace and OHS workplace is a good setting to prevent alcohol problems good co-operation between workplace and occupational health services (OHS) is a great possibility for preventive work brief interventions in occupational health settings preventive work at workplaces (edification, information, education) Experience from Finland / FIOH / Leena Heljälä / 15.11.2007
Co-operation in preventive work Workplace culture OHS culture OHS contract and strategy Workplace alcohol policy Health promotion in OHS workplace surveys, health examinations, medical treatment Occupational safety, well-being at work PREVENTION and EARLY INTERVENTION informing, counselling and advising, brief intervention, special treatment Superiors' readiness Personnel's knowledge Common knowledge Research facts Experience from Finland / FIOH / Leena Heljälä / 15.11.2007