What Is Irony ?
Three Types of Irony Dramatic Irony Verbal Irony Situational Irony
Dramatic Irony: The reader or audience knows something the character does not. Examples: You are watching a movie. You know the monster is in the closet, but the actor doesn’t. You know the character in the book is lying, but none of the other characters know.
Verbal Irony: The writer or speaker says one thing, but really means something completely different. The statement takes on a double meaning. Examples: May be sarcasm. His friends call him Tiny, but he is 6’ 2” and 250 lbs. Your friend trips over his own shoe. You say, “Wow! You are so graceful.”
Situational Irony: What is expected to happen is the opposite of what occurs. Examples: You stay up all night studying for a test. When you get to class, you fall asleep from exhaustion and fail. You run several miles a day, every day, preparing for track try-outs. Everyone tells you this will be your year to set state records. The day before try-outs, you sprain your ankle on the last ten feet of your run. Your brother wants to be the star pitcher for the team. You agree to catch for him so that he can practice. You end up making the team, and he doesn’t.