ElectroTechnical Association 2009 Infusion Software Presentation
Infusion Software Ltd - Background Infusion have been involved in the sale, support and development of accounting and business software for the last 16 years. From 1993 through to 2009 the business has grown to employ twelve full time staff and now offers a complete range of Software, Hardware and associated IT Services. In addition to our local staff we have 75 Certified Partners across New Zealand.
Infusion Software Ltd - Background Infusion now has over 1,500 sites across New Zealand supported by a network of 75 Certified Partners and the Christchurch based support team of seven
Infusion Software Ltd - Range of Software The Infusion range of software covers the standard Cashbook and General Ledger through to an extensive Job Management / Service Workshop solution. The Appliances (Customer Items module) provides the ability to track and manage items sold to or owned by your Customers eg. Washing Machines, Dishwashers, Gas Fires, Heat Pumps, TV’s etc
General The entire system is Date Driven so there is no closing off of months or accounting periods Quick and easy navigation around the software with shortcut keys and screens personalised per User Historical data is always available.
General Strong Security and Audit control System is customised to individual users allowing personalised changes to screens, printer and menu options. Emphasis on improving efficiencies within the business saving time and money and introducing new technologies.
Your Customers are Important !
Google Maps
Marketing Referrals
Customer Types
Customer Groups
Customer Deferred Payments
Managing your Customers Built in Customer Loyalty Scheme Marketing and Survey Reporting Store Multiple Contacts Store Multiple Addresses for Customers with a number of businesses Credit Management, Finance Charges Overdue and Debt Collection letters. Extensive Sales and performance reporting
Sales and Performance Reporting
Management Console
Emailing and Texting Ability to email Invoices, Quotes and Statements to your Customers Purchase Orders and Remittance Advice Slips to your Suppliers TXT messages to Customers for account reminders or marketing. TXT messages for Service reminders
Emailing and Texting All Reports can be : Printed Sent to Word or Excel Sent to a PDF File for emailing or Electronic Storage.
“The process of creating a job must be as simple as possible” To Create or Raise a new Job “The process of creating a job must be as simple as possible”
Service Workshop
Single Screen for all Job Cost Entry
Track Services against Appliances
Track and Manage Job Types
Track and Manage Job by Status
Standard Text Libraries A library of pre-defined text information can be selected and inserted into a Job reducing the amount of data entry required by the operator. This text will then print on the Job Card and flow through to the Invoice and Customer History.
Job Status
EDI For Warranty Claims Invoices may be sent via EDI to a number of your Suppliers including Electrolux F+P No need to print, fax or email them. We are talking with a number of other Suppliers as well.
Warranty Invoices
Warranty Invoices When a new Job is created you can select the Job Type as Warranty. When the Invoice is processed the system will create two invoices - one for the Customer and one for the Warranty company
Warranty Invoices
Use Your Phone Send Jobs directly to your Service Tech in the field with SmartTrade
Job Cards Job cards are informative, easy to read and contain information about the Item being serviced Details include the Date of Sale, Warranty Details, Make, Model and Serial Number along with Customer contact information and account status
Appliances Module Using the Appliances (Customer Items) module allows you to track the Items sold from the initial Invoice and all subsequent Service Invoices. Services may be scheduled automatically creating proactive work for the service department
Regular Services As soon as you sell an Item the software will automatically create pre-determined Service events When you sell an Item a Service job will be created for the first free service and the yearly service You may then run a report listing all future services due, send an email, TXT or a letter to the Customer notifying them of this.
Regular Services
Regular Services When the Customer rings to book in the service, two clicks of the mouse and a job is created with all the appropriate details
Service History
TXT Messaging Personalisation of TXT Message Dear John Our Serviceman will be onsite to repair your washing machine on Tuesday the 17th at 11.30 am
TXT Messaging TXT Messages can be sent to remind Customers about overdue accounts Dear Tom We note that we have not received a payment for last month’s account. Can you please attend to this. Thanks Jane. Acme Plumbers
TXT Messaging Infusion keeps a log of all TXT messages sent The running cost is less than 10 cents per txt message with TXT messages purchased in blocks of 400 for $40
Products and Pricelists Eight Selling price levels Landed Cost Promotional Prices and QTY Price Breaks Contract Prices Images and Notes Barcodes
Purchase Orders Auto orders for Suppliers based on stored Minimum and Maximum figures Purchase Orders can be emailed directly to the Supplier Order Items directly from the Supplier’s price book Items can be assigned directly to Jobs Multiple Supplier Price Books
Importing of Supplier Invoices Supplier Invoice files can be imported into Infusion reducing the amount of time spent on this task. Purchased products can be allocated directly to Jobs.
Financials Entirely Date Driven Four financial years available at any time Download transactions directly from the bank Extensive range of financial reports Data can be exported to your Accountant
Data Migration from Existing Packages We can currently import data from the following packages: SAM Orion Retail Manager MYOB Accounting NZAGold Aurora One Rees Software Exonet
Support is available 7 days, 7am to 7pm Support from Infusion Certified Partner Using the Infusion Single Click solution we can dial into your PC and show you how to do things or make changes for you. Support is available 7 days, 7am to 7pm
Monthly Software Maintenance and Support Includes : 0800 Telephone support 7 days a week 7am to 7pm Email and Fax support Infusion Remote Access - Single Click ! All Software updates and upgrades $95 per month
Software / Installation Costs Infusion Service Manager $1,995 Additional Users $395 Installation Set up + Training $1,000 Installation and training will vary on the number of users and the skills of the operator.
Infusion Software - Our Commitment to our Users To provide a software solution to help run and manage your business To provide a high level of support 7 days a week 7am to 7pm To continue to develop our software taking advantage of new technologies Email – EDI – TXT Messages – Web Site Integration – Handheld Solutions
Infusion Software Our Commitment to our Users “To be available to help you when you need it” Work Smarter Not Harder !
Infusion Software Our Commitment to our Users Information Packs are available. Our Certified Partners are available across New Zealand to provide a free one on one demo. As Directors of Infusion both Mike and myself are always available to talk to.