Lab Safety National University JMARION@NU.EDU anatomy
National University Lab Goals Safe Follow All Lab Rules Wear Proper Clothes Know What To Do In An Emergency Clean Put Materials Back Where You Took Them From Wipe Down Work Stations And Clean Equipment Before And After Use Use Trays To Prevent Major Spills Fun
National University Lab Who is Responsible for Making the Lab Clean, Safe, and Fun? We all are!!
Responsibilities Instructors Demonstrates Proper Use of Equipment Oversees Safety of Students While Class is in Lab Makes Sure Student Areas Are Clean Before Dismissing Class
Responsibilities Students Knows What the Lab Procedure is Before Starting the Experiment Wears Proper Clothing For Lab Work (Will Be Discussed Later) Disposes of Waste in Correct and Designated Areas Pigs, Cats, Organs into Red Hazardous Waste Bins Glass into Sharps Container Personal Microscope Slides into Side Bin (Also Red) Please do not dispose of Pre-Made slides Cleans Supplies and Work Area After Use Returns Cleaned Supplies Back to Designated Area
Responsibilities Lab Technicians Prepares and Sets Up Equipment and Supplies Before Lab Labels Supplies Calibrates Equipment as Needed Helps Instructor with Safety and Instruction Lab Techs are Available for Questions Regarding Equipment Use, Calibration, and Trouble Shooting Manages Used Supplies After Class and Checks Cleanliness of Lab Reviews Lab Cleanliness and Procedure with Instructor After Class
Rule #1 Know the safety rules and procedures that apply to the work being done. Review Potential Hazards and take appropriate safety precautions before beginning any new operations. Practical Jokes or other behavior that might confuse, startle, or distract another lab student is not allowed.
Rule #2 Shower Head Know where emergency equipment is located and how to properly use it. Familiarize yourself with emergency routes. In case of evacuation, SHUT OFF BUNSEN BURNERS BEFORE LEAVING. MSDS Data Shower Lever First Aid Kit Eye Wash Station Spill Kit Fire Blanket
Rule #3 Become Familiar with the types of protective equipment available and understand their use and limitations Safety glasses are required whenever hazardous chemicals or equipment is being used, prepared, or demonstrated Lab coats and Gloves, including disposables, are highly recommended.
Rule #4 No food or beverages are permitted in the Lab Do not apply cosmetics in areas where chemicals are being used or stored
Rule #5 Confine long hair, jewelry, and loose clothing when working in the laboratory. Appropriate shoes are required in the lab at all times. Skin should be covered at all times.
Rule #6 Follow accepted waste disposal procedures Work defensively with Flammables
Waste Disposal Glassware that has not touched Hazardous Waste Hazardous Waste Slides Culture Tubes and Plates Glassware that has touched Hazardous Waste
Waste Disposal Cont… Biohazard Specimen Broken Glass Only Autoclaved Materials
Back Packs and Briefcases
Proper Storage of Microscope Eyepiece facing handle Objective Lens set to 10x Stage lowered and set back as far as possible Cord loosely folded. Do not wrap the Cord around the base or neck of the Microscope. Place Microscope in Cabinet with handle facing outwards
Lab Station Supplies 2 Lab Coats 2 Wire Loops 2 Wire Needles 1 Slide Container 1 Box of Slides 2 Clothes Pins 1 Ruler 1 Wax Pencil
Chemical Supplies 2 - 250 mL beakers 1 Bottle 95% Ethanol 1 Dropper Bottle Methylene Blue 1 Dropper Bottle Safranin 1 Dropper Bottle Crystal Violet 1 Dropper Bottle Iodine