COUNT - RECONCILIATION Standard Work Instruction: Counts - Reconciliation Original Date: January 26, 2017 Version number: v1.0 Revision Date: Standard Work Instruction: Count - Reconciliation Document #: SWIxxxxx Revision number: v1.0 Revision Date: COUNT - RECONCILIATION This LSW document will outline the process for reconciling count variances for all count types (i.e. Scheduled, All or Physical) A cycle count variance is produced when a user counts an item in a bin and the quantity recorded differs from the system quantity registered in Oracle. Any and All variance(s) created as a result of count activity (Scheduled, All or Physical) must be reconciled and approved by the end of each business day. REVIEW COUNT VARIANCES IN ORACLE The Operations Manager, Assistant General Manager, or Distribution Center Manager will need to access Oracle to check and see if there are any variances produced as a result of Scheduled Cycle Counts or All Cycle Counts. Login to Oracle; Warehouse Manager Responsibility Open Cycle Count Menu Open Approve Counts On the “Cycle Count” line, enter your count name (e.g. 008 Scheduled Cycle Count) or click on the ellipsis and select your count name from the menu. There are three count options to choose from: All Cycle Count – displays variance for any counts completed in the All Cycle Count responsibility Physical Count – displays variance for any counts completed in the Physical Counts responsibility Scheduled Cycle Count – displays variance for any counts completed in the Scheduled Counts responsibility Click “Find” Click “Yes” to display counts pending approval only! If “No” is selected, every count completed under the selected count option will be displayed for the current date. Note: Variances can be produced from Physical Cycle Counts if the user doing the actual counting is under the Physical Count tasks on the handheld device. Physical Counts should only be used for Mid-Year and End of Year Inventory and as such will produce variances which will need to be reconciled prior to finishing either inventory. The results of the query will be displayed with the default tab, Adjustment. APPROVE COUNTS TAB INFORMATION Adjustment - This tab allows the user to view all the variances that have been recorded and general information about each one: Item - This header displays the item number that when counted, produced a variance. System Quantity - This is the amount of the item that Oracle shows is in the bin. Quantity - This is the amount of the item counted over or under relating to the System Quantity. All shortages will be displayed in red font color while any overages will be in black font color. Value - This is the monetary amount of the variance in dollars. As with Quantity, shortages are in red and overages in black font color. Note: There are other tabs available that provide additional information on variances. These should be examined by the user when reconciling the inventory and prior to approving counts. Item Location: This tab displays the sub-inventory and location where the item was counted at. Count: The user who counted the variance is featured in this tab. Count History button - This button is located and the bottom of the window and when clicked, will bring up a new window that lists how many times the specific item and bin combination has been counted, who counted it, and on what date.
COUNT - RECONCILIATION Standard Work Instruction: Counts - Reconciliation Original Date: January 26, 2017 Version number: v1.0 Revision Date: COUNT - RECONCILIATION This document will outline the process for reconciling count variances for all count types (i.e. Scheduled, All or Physical) RESEARCHING VARIANCES If any variances are found, whether from All, Scheduled, or Physical Counts, they need to be researched prior to reconciliation. This task is to be done by the Operations Manager, Assistant General Manager, or the Distribution Center Manager. Send ALL Variance(s) out for recount Click the Recount bubble in the Count Adjustments and Approvals Summary Click the Save Icon in the main window toolbar Recounts need to be done by a different warehouse employee than the original counter in order to verify the accuracy of the initial count. The user can assign a specific individual to the recounts in the WMS Control Board or verbally advise a team member. Once Recounts are Complete… Refresh your query results. Select the type of count from the Cycle Count drop-down menu Click “Find” Click “Yes” to display counts needing approvals only! Note: If the variance disappears, then the second count matched the initial warehouse employee’s count and it is highly likely that the original counter did not count correctly or entered the wrong amount on the handheld device. If the variances show up again, it means that both users have counted a different number of the item than the System Quantity and further research is required. RESEARCHING SHORTAGES If the variance is a shortage, the Operations Manager, Assistant General Manager, or Distribution Center Manager should assign or personally perform the following tasks to determine whether or not the missing items are in the warehouse. If at any point the missing items are found in any of the below steps, skip to the section titled Reconciling the Inventory, Shortages section. Proceed to the affected bin location Check above, below, and beside the bin where the variance occurred. It is possible that the item was put-away into a bin nearby by mistake. Check the bins directly across the aisle. It is possible the tires were put-away to a different bin than what was scanned, or sub-transferred without updating Oracle. Check bins that have similar locator numbers (e.g. system location = 10.32.A. check 10.23.A.) This error is commonly caused during put-away or consolidation using Telnet or by typing on the handheld device instead of scanning the actual locators. Search for bins that have the same item number and count the amounts of said item in the bin(s). To do this, return to the main menu or Navigator. Select Material Workbench In the sub-inventory field, type “STOCK” Click on the “Detailed” bubble, Enter the item number in the Item / Revision field. Ensure that the Organization field reflects the corresponding Distribution Center Organization Number and that On-hand is checked in the Material Locations field. Click Find If no results display, then there are no other amounts of this item in the warehouse. If there are results, then assign a warehouse employee or personally go count the amounts of the item in the additional bins.
COUNT - RECONCILIATION Standard Work Instruction: Counts - Reconciliation Original Date: January 26, 2017 Version number: v1.0 Revision Date: COUNT - RECONCILIATION This document will outline the process for reconciling count variances for all count types (i.e. Scheduled, All or Physical) Check Past Activity To do this, return to the Navigator Select View Material Transactions Enter a date range of 30 days Enter the item number in the Item field Click “Find” The results displayed will show any activity of the item in the warehouse (whether receiving, outbound, or sub-transfers) for the past 30 days. Use this information to search bins where past activity occurred to verify if the items still may be there. If few results are returned for 30 days, the user can increase the date range to 60 or 90 days. Search the entire warehouse for the missing items. RESEARCHING OVERAGES If the variance is a shortage, the Operations Manager, Assistant General Manager, or Distribution Center Manager should assign or personally perform the following tasks to determine whether or not the missing items are in the warehouse. If at any point the bins where the surplus items belong to are found in any of the below steps, skip to the section titled Reconciling the Inventory, Overages section Search bins that have the same item number and count the amounts of said item in the bins. To do this, return to the Navigator. Select Material Workbench In the sub-inventory field, type “STOCK” Click on the “Detailed” bubble Enter the item number in the Item / Revision field. Ensure that the Organization field reflects the corresponding Distribution Center Organization Number and that On-hand is checked in the Material Locations field. Click Find If no results display, then there are no other amounts of this item in the warehouse. If there are results, then assign a warehouse employee or personally go count the amounts of the item in the additional bins. Check past activity of the item in the warehouse. Select the View Material Transactions screen Use this information to track movement on the item.
COUNT - RECONCILIATION Standard Work Instruction: Counts - Reconciliation Original Date: January 26, 2017 Version number: v1.0 Revision Date: COUNT - RECONCILIATION This document will outline the process for reconciling count variances for all count types (i.e. Scheduled, All or Physical) Check and see if there are any ASN’s in partially received status where these items may have bypassed receiving and were put-away. To do this, return to the Navigator Select ASN Workbench In the ASN Status field, select PARTIALLY RECEIVED from the list Click on Find If any partially received ASNs show up, Click on the View ASN Details button to bring up a list of items on the ASN. To quickly locate whether the item is on the ASN Select the Sort By button in the top right-hand corner Select Line Status Search for any line items that have a Partially Received line status and see if the item number matches any partially received line items. Check past receiving discrepancies to see if the warehouse was shipped any overages and the overages were not put on the truck to return to vendors. These discrepancies will be located in their own folder on the computer of the Operations Manager, Warehouse Supervisor, and/or Warehouse Leads. Check System Z for any outstanding orders To do this, log into System Z and type in 01 Access the Locate Product screen by hitting F6 Type in the item number and hit the enter key Hit the tab key Any outstanding orders will display If there are not outstanding orders, a message saying “No outstanding orders pending” will pop up. Note: Another way to check this is by checking for incomplete pick tasks in the WMS Control Board menu in Oracle. Once in this screen, select all statuses except Complete in the Status field and click on the “Outbound” bubble in the Source section. Enter today’s date in the Creation Date range and then select Find. If any results display, then the item was not picked during the last routing session.
COUNT - RECONCILIATION Standard Work Instruction: Counts - Reconciliation Original Date: January 26, 2017 Version number: v1.0 Revision Date: COUNT - RECONCILIATION This document will outline the process for reconciling count variances for all count types (i.e. Scheduled, All or Physical) RECONCILING THE INVENTORY As with most of the steps listed in this Standard Work Document, the inventory reconciliation is to be done by the Operations Manager, Assistant General Manager, or Distribution Center Manager. This should be done before the next routing session, if at all possible. RECONCILING SHORTAGES If the missing item(s) were located in another bin or location in the warehouse. approve the shortage on the bin that is short. Preform an All Cycle count on the bin the missing item(s) are physically in and approve the overage count. If the customer already received these tires and did not notice the error, contact the customer and advise him or her that the correct tires will be sent out on the next available route truck. Inform the next outbound driver stopping by the customer’s location that he/she must pick up the tires that were mistakenly dropped off and bring them back to the distribution center. If the items cannot be found throughout the warehouse and all of the research steps have been performed, then variance will have to be approved. The approval of the variance will be reported in the Profit and Loss summary based on the monetary value of the missing items. To approve the variance Select the “Approved” bubble in the Count Adjustment Approvals Summary screen Hit the Save icon in the toolbar RECONCILING OVERAGES If there are any bins with a deficit of the same item as reported with the surplus variance, approve the surplus variance. Preform an All Cycle count on the bin with a deficit and approve the shortage. If the item belongs to a partially received ASN, assign a warehouse employee to receive and put-away the item in order to update the System Quantity. If the item was not picked or has an outstanding order against it, ensure it is picked during the next available routing session. If the item was an overage shipped to the warehouse from a vendor, complete a Vendor Discrepancy Form and contact Procurement. If after performing all the above research steps, no explanation can be found for the surplus item, the variance will have to be approved. The approval of the variance will be reported in the Profit and Loss summary based on the monetary value of the surplus items Hit the Save icon in the toolbar.