Deborah Nolan Distance Education Coordinator Sequoias Community College District Distance Education vs. Face-to-Face Success Rate Comparison Fall 2014 Deborah Nolan Distance Education Coordinator
41 Courses Compared The Research Department provided success rate comparison data to the Distance Education Coordinator for purposes of analysis to support accreditation requirements. Comparisons were possible for 41 Fall 2014 distance education (DE) sections and their face-to-face (F2F) counterparts. DE sections were totally online, online with orientation, or hybrid. All data in this presentation is based on F2F/DE comparisons of selected courses. ACCT 001 BIOL 021 BUS 297 CHLD 042 COMP 130 ENGL 002 HIST 018 LIBR 102 MATH 230 NUTR 018 SOC 002 ACCT 002 BUS 082 BUS 360 COMM 004 COMP 138 HDEV 121 HIST 025 MATH 010 MUS 001 POLS 005 AJ 011 BUS 184 CFS 080 COMP 005 EDUC 050 HIST 004 HW 001 MATH 021 MUS 010 PSY 001 ART 001 BUS 185 CHLD 039 COMP 006 ENGL 001 HIST 017 LIBR 101 MATH 200 MUS 014 SOC 001
Success Rate #1 Definition Success (with W) = C or better divided by all grades, including D, F, and W. For example, if there were 40 students in a class and 10 earned a D, F or W with 30 earning a C or better, the success rate would be calculated as follows: 30/40=75% This is how we report District success to the Chancellor’s Office.
Success Rate #1 (with W) Overall 5.8% Difference
Success Rate #1 (with W) Overall Spring 2014 & Fall 2014
Success Rate #1 (with W) Course-by-Course Comparisons A course-by-course analysis using Success Rate #1 (with W) shows: 27% of DE courses have higher success rates than their F2F counterparts. 73% have a lower success rate. Detailed data has been provided to each division and summarized here.
Success Rate #1 (with W) DE Sections with lower success rates than F2F Sections
Success Rate #2 Definition Success (with W) = C or better divided by all grades, including D and F. For example, if there were 40 students in a class and 8 earned a D or F, 2 earned a W and 30 earned a C or better, the success rate would be calculated as follows: 30/38 = 78%. The W grades have been omitted. This is a local definition of success reflecting our strategy of intentionally dropping inactive online students.
Success Rate #2 (without W) Overall 3.0% Difference
Success Rate #2 (without W) Course-by-Course Comparisons A course-by-course analysis using Success Rate #2 (without W) shows 44% of DE courses have higher success rates than their F2F counterparts. 56% have lower success rates. Detailed data has been provided to each division and summarized here.
Success Rate #2 (without W) DE Sections with Lower Success Rates than F2F Sections
Division Comparisons DE and F2F success rates by division