Oceanographic and Meteorological (Metocean) Services Surveys Directional wave spectra, using oceanographic buoys or Doppler acoustic current profilers (ADCP) Scalar waves, using radar and acoustic altimeters Current vector profiles through the water column River and channel flow and discharge measurements Water quality profiles: salinity, temperature, pH, turbidity, redox, suspended sediments, etc. Offshore and near-shore wave regimes Wave and current statistical parameters (operational, extreme, significant) Accurate wave and wind 6-day predictions Mathematical modeling of wave propagation Hydrodynamic models for harbors, tidal creeks and open seas Hydrodynamic diffusion and dispersion models of thermal, pollution, spills and sediment plumes Sediment transport modeling Currents Field Model Wave Propagation Model Studies Hydrodynamic Dispersion Model Thermal Diffusion Model www.incostas.com
Oceanographic and Meteorological (Metocean) Services Metocean Buoys Offshore Metocean buoys with real-time satellite telemetry and equipped with sensors for collecting: Directional wave spectra Acoustic Doppler current profiles (ADCP) Water temperature, salinity, turbidity Wind speed, atmospheric pressure, air temperature, relative humidity, rain, solar radiation Optional acoustic modem for satellite telemetry of data from moored sensors Wide assortment of Doppler acoustic current profilers (ADCP): ADCPs with Acoustic Surface Tracking (AST) for collecting directional wave spectra from moorings as deep as 100 m 55 kHz (1100 m range) and 190 kHz (300 m range) profilers for deep water deployments 400 kHz (100 m range), 600 kHz (60 m range) and 1 MHz (30 m range) profilers 1 MHz profilers with bottom-track for discharge measurements AXYS 3-Meter Metocean Buoy Offshore Metocean Buoy ADCPs Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers ADCP on Trawl-Proof Mooring INGENIERÍA DE CONSULTA INCOSTAS S.A. Torre Humboldt, Of. TE-09, Prados del Este, Caracas 1080 - Venezuela + 58 212 9783688 - Fax: +58 212 9751545 Web: www.incostas.com - email: incostas@incostas.com